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Converted GX4000 .cpr - The topic (repository link in first post)

Started by remax, 22:14, 04 May 15

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@Urusergi Just to say you that this time that's really really nice to play again BallBlazer on GX-4000. So much memories, and the game remains so smooth, a rare thing on CPC, let's be honest!

Many, many thanks to let me use your patching skills to add games that I consider so legendary to the little GX-4000  :D, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


@iXien almost as you wanted  :) it has been quite good, I think.

<<<<< BALL BLAZER >>>>>

Pause button: start the game.
Joy1 fire1: enter settings / swap settings (Joy1 fire2: modify selected setting values)
Joy1 fire2:
choose time.
Joy2 fire1: demo mode (Joy2 fire1: choose droids. Joy1 fire2: choose time)
Joy2 fire2: pause, unpause  (Pause button: abort)

Joy1 left:
top player left.
Joy1 right: top player right.
Joy1 up: top player up.
Joy1 down: top player down.
Joy1 fire1: top player fire.

Joy2 left: bottom player left.
Joy2 right: bottom player right.
Joy2 up: bottom player up.
Joy2 down: bottom player down.
Joy2 fire1: bottom player fire.


Quote from: Urusergi on 22:53, 06 November 20almost as you wanted   it has been quite good, I think.
Whoooo, you're the best! No matter the pause on Joy2 fire2, you managed to master all others double function key problems. Simply huge! 8)

Obviously, the first version you proposed is functional. But if I'm a little finicky with these kinds of details, it's because I think it's interesting that a conversion be as close to what the developers would have decided for a public release at the time. This first version caused conflicts in the navigation in the game options, which would have been considered as bugs by the players. This second version provides smooth navigation without conflicts. This new version could be considered as an official release  ;)

For me clearly the version that we should keep on the full set!

I would also be curious to know the number of games with a two players simultaneously feature now available on GX-4000., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: Phantomz on 17:19, 06 November 20
Hi @dragon , nice to see you on this thread, it's been awhile.  :)

I believe it might be a plus keyboard bug, the reason I say this, the disk does the same thing if converted to cpr with no changes.

I need the first cracked disk from cpc power looking at, I've looked at the disk again, the reason I didn't get it to stop on the title screen was due to the bas file being protected, I can get it to stop on the loading screen on the next version if it is a plus keyboard bug and it can be fixed.

It work o.k in arnoldemu in gx4000 mode.

Test this, if you can view the menu and it sound but you can't enter in the game is a keyboard ploblem.
If menu don't appear is another thing probably.
But yeah keyboard subrutine appear plus don`t friendly at simple view.


Quote from: dragon on 00:10, 07 November 20Test this, if you can view the menu and it sound but you can't enter in the game is a keyboard ploblem.
If menu don't appear is another thing probably.
But yeah keyboard subrutine appear plus don`t friendly at simple view.
Just tested and it doesn't work better. No menu, no sound, just the panel on the left (with red color used in it, not the green one of the menu)., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 07:04, 07 November 20
Just tested and it doesn't work better. No menu, no sound, just the panel on the left (with red color used in it, not the green one of the menu).
That sound to me that(only speculating).After it load the code in &7000--xxx    in &AFC1 jp(hl)(7000). There is another thing in the &7000 or maybe it jumps to another different direction that 7000. So don't execute the code thats change the colour from red to green and execute the game. For uknown reason.

I have view one time arnold not fail.And was a isssue related with rom exchange swaping whrere calling firwmare.
I mean when the game calls the cpc disk firmware calls,the firmware mount the cpc rom in the &c000-3fff zone to read it. And that call fail(mount another thing or don't return o.k).
But the men expertise about rom initialization and so was arnoldemu.


O.k so not. This is the problem:
&7030 LD BC,#7FBD
&7033 out (c),c
I need go to grimware to decode it maybe some of gate array or crt.

Anyway remove it make  game boot.

So 7FBD was 7f 10111101

101 was RMR "ghost" register(same  in plus with asic locked in theory)
1=reset the interrupt counter.1=Disable the upper ROM paging (&C000 to &FFFF).1=Disable  the lower ROM paging.01= Select the video mode 2bits/pixels (4 colors), 4 pixels/byte (320×200)


1 upper rom enabled lower rom enabled  o.k
5 upper rom enabled lower rom disabled o.k
9 upper rom disabled lower rom enabled fail
D upper rom disabled lower rom disabled fail

So the conclusion is that  for a obscure reason it need upper rom enabled to work.



Thanks for finding out the problem.  8)

Hopefully I've made the changes needed to fix the game.

Ninja Massacre

I've made a fresh version of the game, the game now stops on the title screen.

I've also made the following cheat usable in this new version.

Simple hold UP on Joypad 1 simultaneously when you press 1 or 2 to start each game. This allows you to start from where you left off (or died) on the previous game, and also, when the game is first loaded, it will get you access to a special screen laden with goodies.

Hopefully someone can test these new cpr's.


Quote from: Phantomz on 18:26, 07 November 20Hopefully I've made the changes needed to fix the game.
Yeah, now it perfectly works! Well done.

I didn't know this game, Codemasters wasn't really well known here in France. A good opportunity to test and play it. The music from David Whittaker is very nice. I've already heard it in the past... in an Amiga cracktro  ;D  Now I know its origin. But have you notice that the music on main screen doesn't loop? Not only this version but all the ones I tested, including the original on CDT. Yes, the original game was already bugged. Do you think it's possible to fix it?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Here is my (very) little contribution this week with

((( JINKS )))

Not really difficult as the game doesn't offer more than joystick control and fire 1 to change settings and start the game :P

The game itself isn't the best breaker game and the CPC version is sometimes poor as the splashscreen, the musics and even the hiscore table of the original C64 version hasn't been converted. However, there has always been something hypnotic about this game for me. Maybe the colorful graphics, the smooth scrolling or the laid-back atmosphere that emanates from it. The real flaw is that with only 4 levels without ending, that's clear that the game was designed as a scoring challenge, which is a bit problematic as the score has disappeared on this CPC version ;), the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

Davor Vitief

@dragon  @Phantomz Thank you, now the game is fully playable!

@iXien I have tried Jinks and it works perfectly, every game counts!


I forgot that I also did " Mad Mix 2 " after " Mad Mix "


I can't get it to stop on the loading screen or change the menu graphics.

Main Menu

UP to change from Joystick to Keyboard
Down to Redefine Controls
Fire 1 to Start Game (Joypad by Default).

Joypad 1 Button 2 to Pause, any button to unpause.
Console Pause Button to turn Music on / off.

I've added the following cheat mode....

* CHEAT MODE (Infinite lives):On the authors' screen, Press the Console Button Once, then Keep pressing Joypad 1 Button 2 until the Main Menu appears, if you succeed, the screen will flash in Red.


Quote from: Phantomz on 14:27, 08 November 20MAD MAX 2
I'm disappointed, I thought that you shown me that I didn't know they made a MAD MAX 2 games based on the movie with Mel Gibson  :P :P :P :P :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 15:15, 08 November 20
I'm disappointed, I thought that you shown me that I didn't know they made a MAD MAX 2 games based on the movie with Mel Gibson  :P :P :P :P :P

:laugh:  I'm tired, looking at winape debugger to much.  :P


Ok @Urusergi , I think we have a good feeling with the Lucasfilm games that were so fabulous. So, what about a new one  ;)

Here comes RESCUE ON FRACTALUS! I provide you a clean DSK/CPR of this legendary game. And I loved it so much, Jaggy's were in all my nightmares!


Another one that I didn't see in the list of the already converted games... going to sleep!, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.



What's wrong with the version of " Rescue on Fractalus " that I did that is on page 111 ?

Quote from: Phantomz on 20:57, 11 September 20
Just watched @chinnyhill10 latest youtube video, so thought would convert the game. :D


You will need 2 Joypads to play the game.


Joypad 1

Up  = Increase Starting Level 
Down  = Decrease Starting Level


Joypad 2

Button 1 = Decrease Starting Level
Button 2 = Increase Starting Level

Joypad 1 to Fly and Fire, Button 2 to Pause and unpause the game.

Console Pause Button to Quit.

Joypad 2

Up = Systems
Down = Land
Left = Airlock
Right = Booster
Button 1 = Decrease Thrust
Button 2 = Increase Thrust

It might not be a smooth as the Atari version, but hopefully you will enjoy it on the GX4000  8)


Quote from: Phantomz on 18:17, 08 November 20What's wrong with the version of " Rescue on Fractalus " that I did that is on page 111 ?
I would say "All is ok"  8)  And the worst is that I already have it in my prefered games directory  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Two times in the same week, I think I need some rest !, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 18:25, 08 November 20
I would say "All is ok"  8)  And the worst is that I already have it in my prefered games directory  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Two times in the same week, I think I need some rest !

:laugh:  Think I need rest too, don't think I mapped the Demo mode key, will see if can do something about it.  ;D


@Phantomz Yep, I just verified, you forgotten the demo mode.
Ultimately, It was a good thing that I talk about this game, isnt' it (pathetic attempt to save me from shame) :P, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 18:43, 08 November 20
@Phantomz Yep, I just verified, you forgotten the demo mode.
Ultimately, It was a good thing that I talk about this game, isnt' it (pathetic attempt to save me from shame) :P

True.  :laugh:


You will need 2 Joypads to play the game.


Joypad 1

Button 1 = Start Game
Button 2 = Demo Mode
Up  = Increase Starting Level
Down  = Decrease Starting Level


Joypad 2

Button 1 = Decrease Starting Level
Button 2 = Increase Starting Level

Joypad 1 to Fly and Fire, Button 2 to Pause and unpause the game.

Console Pause Button to Quit.

Joypad 2

Up = Systems
Down = Land
Left = Airlock
Right = Booster
Button 1 = Decrease Thrust
Button 2 = Increase Thrust

It might not be a smooth as the Atari version, but hopefully you will enjoy it on the GX4000


Quote from: Phantomz on 19:12, 08 November 20True. 
True that you forgotten to patch the demo mode or that I made a pathetic attempt to save me from shame?  ;D

Talking about fixing some games previously patched, I shown the version of DONKEY KONG from CNG Soft you used to patch the game has a bug (see attached picture). Level indicator, highest score, life number, etc. Indeed, all the upper panel corrupted only in this version. Do you think you can fix it?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Quote from: iXien on 20:34, 08 November 20
Talking about fixing some games previously patched, I shown the version of DONKEY KONG from CNG Soft you used to patch the game has a bug (see attached picture). Level indicator, highest score, life number, etc. Indeed, all the upper panel corrupted only in this version. Do you think you can fix it?

I can only test in emulation, but appears to be working fine in that.


Quote from: Phantomz on 00:17, 09 November 20Are you using the latest version from the wiki page?
Have you made an update I missed on the thread? If I remember well, I downloaded all the games in august 2019 and all the panel is broken in the CPR, as on the DSK from CNG Soft.

Now it's a little better as in this version life counter and level indicator are fixed. But on the upper lines, HIGH SCORE is still broken, showing initial highest score like this : 00  0076 when he should look like this 007600 centered on screen (look at my attached screens in previous post).

A little more fix  ;)  ?, the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.


Nothing to see here, move along.


Yeah, very nice. A so well known game worldwide, I think it's an important one in the GX-4000 game library.

If you're motivated in fixing old conversions  :P , I saw some problems in your BEYOND THE ICE PALACE conversion :

First of all, a little modification should be nice not to permit that key pressed loops while choosing for special actions (Summon Spirit and Pause mode) because it is very difficult to launch configure key screen with J1B1 and not choose J1B1 for summon spirit just after.

More annoying is the game freezes or resets the GX-4000 randomly :o First time the game reset before the middle of the first level, and next time system frozen at the beginning of level 2. To be honest, I didn't try more over as it was very frustrating  :D . But now if needed I can make more tries (maybe using the DSK version to see if there is the same problem on CPC)., the only website dedicated to CPC homebrew games.

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