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WACCI issues

Started by Gryzor, 11:51, 19 April 16

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Quote from: CraigsBar on 05:31, 27 April 16
I am in Florida (for work) this week. So a little but separated from my CPC magazine collection. I'll take a look once I get back.. And have got some sleep.

That's ok Craig no worries.


Quote from: CPC_Fan on 19:11, 28 April 16
I suppose we should ask for permission really.
This is a Brian Watson from the same part of the country:
Brian Watson (@Image_Bus) | Twitter

I am confident this is his company:

Brian Watson Retail Ltd

And he is a director of:

Adec (Arts Development In East Cambridgeshire) | DueDil

Look a bit more closely ;)

My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Thanks for the info arnoldemu. I am not on twitter. Maybe someone who is, could try and tweet him and see if it is indeed the Brian Watson from WACCI?


Richard Fairhurst was kind enough to get back to me very quickly, he gave me a couple of emails of other editors though he said he can't imagine why anyone would limit the effort. Still, I think it'd be nice to try and get as much approval as possible; indeed I can't imagine anyone would object, but this doesn't mean we shouldn't try and ascertain that...

Unfortunately, though, the hard part seems actually *getting* the issues. I'll try to dig up mine...


That's good news Gryzor. I tried to telephone John Bowley last night on the last known telephone number for him. Alas I was unsuccessful, as all I kept getting was a message say "the number that you have called has not been recognised". So it would appear that he has changed his number.

I am happy to help out with the scanning of issues if needs be.


Thanks for trying to contact any of the editors; the more we reach, the better...

Ok, I dug out my issues. Not too many:
86,87, 88, 89 (two copies for some reason),90,91,92,93, 94, 95, 96, 97,98, 99,100,101,102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 112.

136-138 are online in HTML and 139-140 in PDF format.

Not a bad start... anyone else?


That's ok Gryzor. It would be nice to be able to get back in touch with John anyway if I could. The only other option would be to write to him I guess.

Sounds like you have a good collection of WACCI issues there. It would be good to see them online if at all possible. I wish that I didn't sell all mine off when I did  :(


I just did a test scan of #86. Take a look and tell me what you guys think. Not a permanent link, preview purposes only... I won't do any more until we have tried to get permission.

WACCI 86 - 199502.pdf (19,00 MB) -


Hi Gryzor. I can't seem to download the test scan of #86 from the link. Don't know if I am doing anything wrong or not? Also the page is in German, which doesn't help me, as I only speak English (Sorry).

I have also noticed that issues 82,83,84,85,86,87,103,104,105 and 107 are already on the CPC Wiki anyway. So out of the issues that you have, the following need to be scanned, once we have got permission: 88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,98,99,100,101,102,106,108,110 and 112.


Quote from: Gryzor on 17:35, 01 May 16
I just did a test scan of #86. Take a look and tell me what you guys think.
Stick a piece of black paper or card behind the page before you scan, it'll hide the faint image of the other side of the page. That'll help the download size as well, I'd think.


@CPC_fan : the file is there. I don't know why Uploaded is giving you the German version, but basically there are two big buttons on the page, the first (grey) one being the Free Download (30 seconds wait) and the second (blue) is for account holders.

Ha, I had forgotten there are some online already! Cripes!

@pelrun : the faint image is from the reverse side, not from the next sheet, so I'm not sure if a black card will help to tell you the truth...?

By the way, I also got permission (and a few pointers) from a very kind Steve Williams (who apparently still signs his emails with "Sent from my Amstrad CPC464" :) ). I was wondering, what if we could find the original dtp files? Would it be possible to print out to a file and convert to pdf or images? Would it be worth it to ask any editors I locate?


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:54, 02 May 16

@pelrun : the faint image is from the reverse side, not from the next sheet, so I'm not sure if a black card will help to tell you the truth...?

I think @pelrun meant blank.
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Quote from: Gryzor on 11:22, 02 May 16

Same difference.

Except blank isn't black.
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For the purposes we're talking here the result is the same.


Quote from: Gryzor on 11:24, 02 May 16
For the purposes we're talking here the result is the same.

No worries, just checking.  :)
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Quote from: Gryzor on 08:54, 02 May 16
@CPC_fan : the file is there. I don't know why Uploaded is giving you the German version, but basically there are two big buttons on the page, the first (grey) one being the Free Download (30 seconds wait) and the second (blue) is for account holders.

Ha, I had forgotten there are some online already! Cripes!

@pelrun : the faint image is from the reverse side, not from the next sheet, so I'm not sure if a black card will help to tell you the truth...?

By the way, I also got permission (and a few pointers) from a very kind Steve Williams (who apparently still signs his emails with "Sent from my Amstrad CPC464" :) ). I was wondering, what if we could find the original dtp files? Would it be possible to print out to a file and convert to pdf or images? Would it be worth it to ask any editors I locate?

Still seem to be having problems getting it to download on my main pc for some reason. Still it doesn't really matter anyway, as that issue is already online anyway.

Good to hear that Steve Williams has got back to you and given permission as well. With regard to the original dtp files. I know that a good number of issues were actually produced on a CPC using Protext, Prospell, Promerge and MicroDesign Plus. At one point I even had a replica of this set up, bar the printer that was used, with my original 6128, until I sold it off with all my other CPC stuff. I'm not sure if it would even be possible to print these out using a modern pc and then converting to a pdf or images? Come to that, I don't even know if the original files still exist or who might have them? Might be worth trying Paul Dwerryhouse or John Bowley, if anybody can get hold of them. Brain Watson might also be worth a try.


Guys, I meant exactly what I said.  :picard2:

A black (opposite of white) card placed behind the page you're scanning will hide the faint image from the reverse side of the page. Because the scanner light is extremely bright, it shines through the paper, is reflected off the surface behind the page, and back through the paper to the image sensor. That little bit of extra light highlights the image on the other side of the page. If you put black paper behind it, then most of the light that gets through the paper is absorbed, and the reverse image is much less obvious.

This is a *very* well known scanning technique; try it before assuming I misunderstood something :)


It is possible to print a file to PDF using an emulator.
Brain Radioactivity


Quote from: Gryzor on 17:35, 01 May 16
I just did a test scan of #86. Take a look and tell me what you guys think. Not a permanent link, preview purposes only... I won't do any more until we have tried to get permission.

WACCI 86 - 199502.pdf (19,00 MB) -
Except the download does not work from these sh**ty online pay for download services on many android browsers. Any chance of uploading it somewhere sane?
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@pelrun : ahhhh I see now :) Well, apologies, never did much scanning! I'll try to procure a black card or something - which is such a trivial little thing, but you actually have to go into a store or something!

@CraigsBar : works on my mobile whenever I have tried it. Come on, I just did it as a test... (and I just tried downloading with Flynx, of all browsers :D Works like a charm)


"" Any chance of uploading it somewhere sane?  ""
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Quote from: pelrun on 14:13, 02 May 16
Guys, I meant exactly what I said.  :picard2:

A black (opposite of white) card placed behind the page you're scanning will hide the faint image from the reverse side of the page. Because the scanner light is extremely bright, it shines through the paper, is reflected off the surface behind the page, and back through the paper to the image sensor. That little bit of extra light highlights the image on the other side of the page. If you put black paper behind it, then most of the light that gets through the paper is absorbed, and the reverse image is much less obvious.

Cool, I'll try that out sometime.
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@remax : well, it's possible to output/print to a file, I'm sure you can manipulate it to create a PDF afterwards; that's why I was asking...

Everyone who, for SOME reason can't be bothered to wait 30 seconds to download a file or can't click a button: 86 - 199502.pdf . Going to delete it soon.


18 seconds. Thanks!  :)
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