
Printed Amstrad Addict magazine announced, check it out here!

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Started by cpc4eva, 07:19, 07 March 17

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The guys at AMSTRAD CLASSIC GAMING AND DEMOS FB GROUP are putting together a one off 2016 games mag kickstarter project.

A draft has been completed and a visit to the local printers has been arranged to discuss all the ins and outs of artwork, layouts, pages, costs, the time it will take to complete etc etc etc.

Any CPC'ers / members who want to be part of / in the mag then please send here or on the FB group page what your fav games of 2016 were and why please try to limit it to 250 words.

If no one ends up putting anything forward then please DON'T COMPLAIN when the mag is completed because you have been asked ;)

fb link is here


also if you coded a CPC game in 2016 and would like to be interviewed please write back and i will include it in the mag many thanks :)


Just had meeting with the printers. The graphic designer going to weave her Magica on it so i guess we wait and see and then it will be a process of ticking things off page by page till its finished hopefully doesn't drag on for too long. If anyone wants to send me their fav games of 2016 then please send them through cheers ;)


My two pence:

A fine pair of games impressed me last year, those being Doomsday Lost Echoes by Doomsday Productions and Golden Tail by Reidrac.

Golden Tail took an interesting mechanic and wrapped it in a good looking, well balanced game with a difficulty level just right for rubbish gamers such as myself. Yes, I died a lot but it never felt unfair and I never lost motivation to keep trying. It took me back to the days, not just of CPC games of yore, but to NES classics such as Castlevania and Metroid. It also goes to show that you don't have to go around blasting enemies to have a good time, avoidance can be equally satisfying.

Doomsday Lost Echoes helped me rediscover a genre (the text adventure) that I'd not touched in more than 20 years. Dark and atmospheric, it helped elicit the feelings of watching your favourite sci-fi movies for the very first time. I must admit, I was even a little scared at points. The effort that went in to this grandiose production is clear, from the descriptive narrative to the beautifully detailed Mode 1 pixel art. A sizable adventure with some clever puzzles, if this had been released 30 years earlier I'm sure that it would be hailed as one of the all-time classics of the genre.
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


QuoteDoomsday Lost Echoes helped me rediscover a genre (the text adventure) that I'd not touched in more than 20 years. Dark and atmospheric, it helped elicit the feelings of watching your favourite sci-fi movies for the very first time. I must admit, I was even a little scared at points. The effort that went in to this grandiose production is clear, from the descriptive narrative to the beautifully detailed Mode 1 pixel art. A sizable adventure with some clever puzzles, if this had been released 30 years earlier I'm sure that it would be hailed as one of the all-time classics of the genre.

Jesus, Jesus! I am really glad you liked the game so much but I even feel embarrassed!  :D :-[

I really like the project and the idea, so I will try to make my small contribution too as soon as I have time!  :D


Good luck with project, this is the sort of stuff that keeps the CPC alive . Along with all the decent games that show the machines capability.


There were really awesome productions in 2016 and it is very difficult to pick just a few among them. If I had to choose, I think that I would go for:

Imperial Mahjong. It has some new amazing graphic modes, digi-drums, samples when the game loads, half an hour of music, endless possibilities when it comes to generate new arrangements of the tiles... it looks like an Atari ST game and I think that it is truly awesome.

Vector Vaults. Extremely smooth vector graphics at constant 25 fps, multi directional pixel precise scroll with variable speed, very nicely tuned physics and great gameplay. The ship responds without any delay and, although it is a challenging arcade, I feel that the difficulty level is really well balanced. I also love the plot of the game and the fact that it will have continuity in the future.

Dragon Attack and Chibi Akuma. The first bullet hells for the CPC, both very brave, cleverly programmed and really well done. I deeply enjoyed the two despite my incompetence trying to avoid the projectiles.

As you see, I am mentioning the programs that impressed me the most from a technical point of view, but I liked many others too: Golden Tail, Magica, Hire Hare, Defence...


Quote from: cpc4eva on 07:19, 07 March 17
Any CPC'ers / members who want to be part of / in the mag then please send here or on the FB group page what your fav games of 2016 were and why please try to limit it to 250 words.
I can try to write an article this weekend. What is the deadline? Does the entire article have to be a maximum of 250 words, or is it 250 words per game?


No deadline as yet.

it doesn't have to be exactly 250 words i just thought that may help as a guide so there wouldn't be massive essays and a small amount of writing i thought wouldn't discourage people as they would more likely write something smaller than labour over the keyboard writing a massive chunk of words :)

what people have written here so far looks pretty good.

if you want to write more than 250 words thats fine try not to go overboard like 1000+ words

if you want to write approx 250 words on your favs thats fine too maybe limit it to 5 - 6 games then for that approach

do u guys think i should put your pic with your comments or just your name ????


so today i have been working pretty good and solid on the mag

today i have put together

* coder interviews received so far from coders of games - chibi akumas, golden tail / magica and outlaws

many thanks to Juan, keith and Jose A Martin thanks alot :)

* cpc community favs of 2016 that i have been sent theres about 5 of you that have sent me your favs atm thanks to those who have sent me your 2016 favs :)

please send through your coder interviews or fav games of 2016 while there is no time limit set as yet i am working towards getting the mag done and ready for a kickstarter release as soon as i can.

cheers :)



the mag will now have the following

* A CPC community section - cpc'ers favs of 2016 many thanks to the ones i have received so far - anyone else who wants to put down their 2016 favs  with a few sentences etc would love to see them.

* A pokes / cheat section - many thanks Nich i tried the Oulaws ones worked well.

* A coders section - interviews with coders for games such as Magica, Outlaws, possibly Imperial Mahjong and one or two others at this stage. i am in two minds to have the interviews as a separate section or merged in with the game review.  What are peoples thoughts on this ?

* CPC retrodev 2016 section

* A Demo section although not many GFX demo's being made these days. 

* All the games from 2016

I am in discussion with Bob Wakelin for a cover design of the mag fingers crossed it happens would be an honour if he could do the front cover page design. 

For info on Bob's design history check this link

I would love to get some A3 posters printed to go with the mag i have asked a few coders for permission to use their 2016 games and waiting to hear back.

I recently posted a comp on freelancer to design a cover they were all pretty poor so if anyone wants to put a cover design forward please feel free id love to see it :)

i have some time off over Easter so hopefully i can get it on Kickstarter around then.

cheers :)


guys / gals i have set a deadline for April 13.

if you could please list or write about your fav games of 2016 in here or pm me by April 13 that would be fantastic.

also coders / developers of 2016 games could you please have your game info / interviews in to me by April 13

if anyone wants to put forward a cover design please feel free to do so the deadline is also April 13

here is a mock cover design this will not be the one used for the mag.


Reminds me of the first time I found the original 1st Amstrad Action in my local newsagent. Man I was so stoked when I bought that first adition , so many games reviewed in it . Happy Days.


Quote from: Puresox on 18:26, 26 March 17
Reminds me of the first time I found the original 1st Amstrad Action in my local newsagent. Man I was so stoked when I bought that first adition , so many games reviewed in it . Happy Days.

Many thanks

i hope i can replicate some of those awesome memories Puresox.

Another reminder to everyone the deadline day is April 13.

If anyone wants to be in the mag please send me your 2016 fav games list / comments :)

Any coders of 2016 CPC games who want to be in the mag please contact me   :)

Some more info / updates on the mag -

* Have received info from Shinning oh his game Defence with some helpful playing tips.
* In discussion with the guys who coded Imperial Mahjong for an article / interview on their game
* In discussion with the Oliver Twins interview re their 2016 CPC gaming experiences at CPC RETRODEV
* In discussion with CPCRETRODEV organiser Francisco José Gallego re an article on the CPC Spanish scene


member Dirtybb has asked me to find out more on the Vektor Vaults game for the mag.

if anyone knows the coder Alberto Rodriguez MARTINEZ could you please contact me.

many thanks



Quote from: cpc4eva on 22:24, 05 April 17
member Dirtybb has asked me to find out more on the Vektor Vaults game for the mag.

if anyone knows the coder Alberto Rodriguez MARTINEZ could you please contact me.

Alberto's web site is .



Arkos Tracker 2.0.1 now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


yes many thanks just replied - had been away from the pc all weekend as i have been too stressed out in personal life to look at fb and emails this weekend...........

now i have to catch up




Greetings everyone :)

just want to give all of you reading  this an UPDATE ON THE 2016 CPC MAG.

firstly i want to thank anyone who has contributed in any way such as interviews, pokes, fav game thoughts of 2016 and any other content etc etc

so off the top of my head i would like to thank the coders / developers who have done interviews -

Targhan & Super Sylvestre
Krusty Benediction
The Oliver Twins
Professor Francisco

I hope i didn't forget anyone and have spelled peoples names correctly

to the people who contributed by putting their fav games and anything else thanks to -

Neil Reive
Neil Simpson
Neil Duckworth
Mark Latham Hall
Jose Miguel Campigna
John Kavanagh

so where am i at with the cpc 2016 mag exactly ?

I pretty much have all the content written up but if anyone else wants to ADD ANYTHING THEN NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO :) either n this thread or personal message me.

If there are any Spanish people out there who grew up with the CPC in Spain or coded games for the CPC in Spain back in the day 1980's / 1990's id love to hear from you :) feel i need a bit more info on that area.

any of these guys -

Javier Garcia Navarro
Juan J. Martinez
Raúl Simarro
Jon Cortazar
Victor Ruiz
Raul Ortega Palacios
Alberto Gonzalez (Joe McAlby)
Cesar Astudillo (Gominolas)
Jose Vicente Pons
Fernando San Gregorio
Jose Antonio Martin
Pablo Ariza
Juan Gimenez
Alfonso Azpiri
Andres Samudio
Luis Rodriguez Soler

the sections i will be covering off the top of my head once again i just got home from a very hard day at work so hopefully i haven't left anything out -









I have a new COVER PAGE i am working on see attached i think i will be going with something like this.

I have found a graphic designer close to home who i am meeting on Wednesday hopefully we can get a draft of a review laid out and tweak the cover page a bit and then i will post it on kickstarter.  From there i will try to get it laid out as quick as i can.

just want to inform everyone i dont stand to make a profit from this, i am doing this for fun and enjoyment and in my own time around very long working hours and a difficult family life, making it difficult to spend more time on it, so i just hope it comes out looking good when its finished.

I would like to do another one off mag for 2017 next year but we see how we go with this one.

many thanks to everyone and as i mentioned a few paragraphs up if you want to add anything or contribute now is the time do so.



work on the cpc mag 2016 is progressing slowly i only get to work on the layout with the designer for about 30mins each week due to everyday life getting in the way. Here are a few teaser screens of how its looking atm gives everyone an idea of what it will look like......


Want any article submissions for the magazine? I've done a load of interviews fo a Dizzy book that never got used/finished..


Quote from: zeropolis79 on 12:27, 17 May 17
Want any article submissions for the magazine? I've done a load of interviews fo a Dizzy book that never got used/finished..

many thanks for the offer, the mag is only about CPC games and demos in 2016 though.  i recall on fb you mentioned that you had not played any of the 2016 CPC games and were not offering any content for that reason.



Yeap, I'm yet to play any of them.. As soon as I can, I aim to try them


**** AN UPDATE ****

NOTE I AM LOOKING FOR ANYONE TO WRITE REVIEWS FOR THE ADVENTURE SECTION of the mag please send me a PM or respond here thanks if you would like to write adventure reviews.  The adventure games are as follows:

4 mile island
CIA adventure
Green Falls
Guss's Death an Exercise In Interactive Fiction
Magic Mirror
Neptunes Caverns
Sceptre Quest
The Melarkian
Night Of The Vampire Bunnies
Crystal of Nebumeth
Treasure of McDoobys Mansion
The Wizards Castle
The Tower of Despair
Venture Max
Zombie Terror Unloaded

i think i have listed all of them i may have missed a few though.

As for the MAG - been working on CPC MAG 2016 and the progress remains very very slow due to real life always in the way  :(

Attached is a previews draft page without the words to give you an idea of whats been happening and how its coming together -

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