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CHE-MAN 2018/2019 - NES, ZX Spectrum 48K, Amstrad CPC

Started by XeNoMoRPH, 11:14, 23 October 19

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QuoteThe Story.... Chemad is mad. The Gods of Metal play a gig tonight and the idea he had of printing out the wanking guitarist GIF so he could get it signed by the band hasn't come out quite nicely. And if that was not enough, Badajoz's seventh bio-dance group has organized a batukada festival in the neighbourhood, blocking the entrance to the concert hall.
Help Cheman collecting powwwer medallions while regaining control of the neighbourhood getting rid of all the unnerving batukadas. Don't let a samba-reggae spoil a good riff!The gameIn order to get clearance to the concert hall, you must complete two levels with two objectives each. First, you have to smash all the batukadas jumping over them. Second, you must carry each medallion, one by one, to the powwwer totems you may find around the level.


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Oh, mojontwins back on the CPC? :)

Looks very cute, wonder how it plays.


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: Gryzor on 11:32, 23 October 19
Looks very cute, wonder how it plays.
Che-man here. THANK YOU  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Anyone interested on a Cassette with both Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum versions should send an email to the adress on the photo above. But beware, Shipping from Spain is really expensive. In fact, shipping will probably cost more than the game itself, since the game is 10 euros and just the post cost to Europe is about 11 €  :o


Quote from: Dubliner on 17:57, 23 October 19
Che-man here. THANK YOU  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Anyone interested on a Cassette with both Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum versions should send an email to the adress on the photo above. But beware, Shipping from Spain is really expensive. In fact, shipping will probably cost more than the game itself, since the game is 10 euros and just the post cost to Europe is about 11 €  :o
Congratulations Cheman, very few ones can say they are videogame heroes!  :D   and congrats to the mojones too!


When I came to the AUA event last weekend, it was with some Clevermind games to avoid shipping fees to peoples.
May be nice to do the same if you come to France? Or at less, sending all games for french peoples in the same parcel and we can dispatch to save fees.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


For those who need pokes, here's a type-in listing for the disc version:

1 ' Cheman pokes
2 ' by Nich
3 '
20 FOR i%=0 TO 15:READ a%:INK i%,a%:NEXT i%
30 DATA 0,26,7,4,17,1,11,23,12,25,15,6,3,16,13,0
40 INPUT"Infinite lives (Y/N)? ",i$
50 i$=UPPER$(i$)
60 IF INSTR("YN",i$)=0 THEN 50
70 INPUT"Start on level (1-2)? ",n
80 IF n<1 OR n>2 THEN 70
90 MODE 0
140 IF i$="Y" THEN POKE &55D0,0
150 FOR a=48 TO 54
160 READ h$:POKE a,VAL("&"+h$):NEXT
170 POKE &64B4,&F7:POKE 49,n-1
180 CLS:CALL &400
190 DATA 3e,00,32,ff,65,7d,c9


It's a shame this wasn't released as a CPCRetroDev game... as it would've easily won everything!
However, thanks for the game and congratulations; it's fantastic! Level 2 here I come! ^_^

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