AmtixCPC - New quarterly printed CPC magazine from Fusion Retro Books

Started by Loki, 13:25, 21 June 21

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Some of you may be familiar with Fusion Retro Books, as well as books they've also been publishing the monthly Fusion magazine as well as recently launching the new bi-monthly Crash and Zzap64 magazines. As well as those though, they're also now looking to publish a new quarterly Amstrad magazine, AmtixCPC which I'm personally really looking forward to, and given they've now officially launched the Patreon for subscriptions to this mag I thought I'd share that info here for anybody interested.

It's quarterly, so they'll turn off the billing cycle for months where there's no mag, I think if you sign up the first one will be billed in August. I'm not affiliated with Fusion myself btw just so you know (although I've been a subscriber to the main Fusion mag for some time), I'm just sharing this because I think it will be of interest and I also want to see this succeed as I think the mag will be really good and a great thing for the Amstrad community to have, those who are interested in it. Hopefully this will be a success anyway, obviously that will depend on demand but I hope those of you who are interested enjoy it when it eventually launches :)



I'd like to back this, but where is it going to ship from? If it's the UK, forget it, unfortunately... Customs and all :(


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:40, 22 June 21
I'd like to back this, but where is it going to ship from? If it's the UK, forget it, unfortunately... Customs and all :(

You can go for the PDF version. I probably will do that.

Btw: customs will only apply if the value is above 150€. But 19% tax will have to be paid (which is not that much of a problem) and a handling fee of 6€ will be charged by DHL (and this is a problem). So every edition would come with 7.5€ on top of the price - 14€ total is a bit too much for a printed magazine.

This can only be prevented by one of these
- having it sent for 5€ max as tax below 1€ will not be collected
- as a present (which it isn't obviously)
- tax being paid upfront by the seller

As 2 would be illegal and 3 much effort, maybe option 1 could be arranged. Not sure if it's possible, but a dual-membership could solve this easily: 2.5€ for the permission to receive the PDF and then another 5€ for the physical edition and shipping. Or spread payment equally across two months. First month the "support", second month the cost for printing and shipping.

(I am using € in this thread as the customs declaration needs to be done in € - if I specify anything in
£, we could end up with a slightly changed rate, we could end up slightly above the 5€ and the receiver would have to pay tax and fees).


Yeah - as you said it's the extras you need to pay (DHL may be €6 but others charge quite a bit more than that!), not the VAT itself... and that renders it pretty much not affordable.

I don't care much for the PDF version to be honest - I wish it could be set up to be shipped from mainland Europe...


Just subscribed to non-UK subscription including german tax for 7,74€.....
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ah yes, so far ive gotten the fusion mag & even the more expensive annuals etc. but so far the postal service hasnt cracked down on me But i also think i got the last fusion mag shipped from Ireland (aka inside the EU?). But please dont hold me to that i could be remembering wrong & i dont have the envelope anymore.



Sure, yeah Fusion are a UK based company so yes, I'd assume this is where the mags will ship from. I'm not sure how this works with the post-Brexit customs situation, I'll try and find out though, the main Fusion mag has been going during this time both inside and outside the UK so whatever happens with that, I'd guess the situation would be the same.  I'll see what I can find out anyway, bear with me.



Quote from: Shining on 14:15, 22 June 21Just subscribed to non-UK subscription including german tax for 7,74€.....

I somehow doubt they mean German tax. The 20% is the UK VAT. This worked well in the past but from July 1st on, this will no longer work as the 22€ limit is removed. I don't know if this is different in other EU countries, but in Germany for any goods from a non-EU country you will have to pay the MwSt(VAT) plus a handling fee from DHL.

Unless they sign up for German tax and pay that in a separate process (or find another solution), this will make the magazine twice as expensive.



Perhaps they use some kind of middleman? My RetroGamer subscription is delivered  by using Media Germany from Hamburg but my subscription was made directly in UK....
TGS is back

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Hi guys - if you join the Patreon, the shipping service I use now includes the IOSS from Patreon, which is telling Customs that the VAT has been paid. This will the same for Fusion, ZZAP! and Crash as well on Patreon. I am in the process of getting my own IOSS code for the Fusion Retro Books site - that will be up and running in the next few weeks.

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