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Dream CPC setup

Started by StealthGary, 12:12, 22 May 22

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But goteck with firmware hxc or flashfloppy?.


Quote from: StealthGary on 10:31, 25 May 22Any particular reason you guys are preferring a Gotek over an M4 or a USIFAC? Both of which seem better options.

I think I'd prefer a monitor over a scart or HDMI option though. That monitor powering the machine was a big part of my CPC memories!
No particular reason. In my case, it was the first add-on I bought as it was more "natural" to me than a full-blown extension. It's more similar to handling real disks and like adding a second drive to the computer.

I also have the USIFAC and it's a great, cheap device but has one major flaw: it doesn't sort the files. If you add a single file, it's at the end of the directory. Even if I make sure to properly write a directory in one go, I have directories, where the files start at D and I have to go to the end of the directory to get to ABC. (which reminds me, that I have never reported that flaw...)

The M4 I never used.


Quote from: dragon on 12:12, 25 May 22But goteck with firmware hxc or flashfloppy?.

I use FlashFloppy firmware in HXC compatibility mode, so I can use the HxC selector program.


Could that have something to do with the (lack of) sorting under FAT? It's the OS that does the sorting, not the FS, so that's a common issue, and there are directory sorters out there that touch the files' dates so that they are sorted by filename...


Quote from: Gryzor on 12:40, 25 May 22Could that have something to do with the (lack of) sorting under FAT? It's the OS that does the sorting, not the FS, so that's a common issue, and there are directory sorters out there that touch the files' dates so that they are sorted by filename...
That sounds about right - we have the same issue on the ZX Spectrum Next, which uses SD storage natively. There's a small Windows utility that will sort files as you say, so you just periodically move the SD card over to do it.


Isn't this the same with Gotek/HxC too? I think that's when I learned about the issue!

I think the one I used to use was called FatSort, I'm sure there are Linux utilities too. 


A nice one: --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: eto on 12:18, 25 May 22
Quote from: dragon on 12:12, 25 May 22But goteck with firmware hxc or flashfloppy?.

I use FlashFloppy firmware in HXC compatibility mode, so I can use the HxC selector program.
I mostly refer of what of the two offers best compatibility with amstrad. I mean with copy protections and so.

I not found info out there. 


Quote from: dragon on 11:51, 02 June 22I mostly refer of what of the two offers best compatibility with amstrad. I mean with copy protections and so.

I not found info out there.

I honestly don't know but I haven't had an issue yet. For most software, there is a cracked version anyway. 

I also had 3 cases where I wanted to rescue a game on real floppy, where the data was corrupted. I downloaded the DSK images containing the original dump including copy protection and I could perfectly copy from DSK to the game disks. 

As flash floppy is free anyway, you can give it a try and if you are not happy with it, you still can install the HXC firmware. 


I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to know that after about 18 months of skulking about on eBay attempting to find, and then being outbid on, my dream 6128 Plus... I finally got my hands on one yesterday!
I was going to post a photo of it, but I guess this forum needs you to upload images elsewhere?

Ahh well... it's very pretty and in good condition. Now I need to start messing around with it. ;)


So, what can I do with this beauty?
As it stands, I'm leaning toward getting the USIFAC first. Any reasons to get anything else, specificlly for a 6128+, please let me know.


No, you can actually upload photos here, did you get an error message?


No error, but when I click to insert an image, it just asks for a URL, so I assumed I had to upload it to a server somewhere before I could include it in a post.


Quote from: StealthGary on 12:44, 18 October 23No error, but when I click to insert an image, it just asks for a URL, so I assumed I had to upload it to a server somewhere before I could include it in a post.
You need to use the Attachments function.


Aha! I don't think it's available in the 'quick reply' form. Thanks!
Well, here it is. It doesn't have a permanent place yet, just perching on a shelf for now...
The power cable is a bit dodgy, I can reset the machine by sneezing close by! Also, the space bar only won't work if you press at the edges of the key. Other than that it seems in excellent condition.

Life goal: achieved.
(Well, almost... I need to pimp the machine out a bit really)


Hmm... actually, no... photo still doesn't post, despite appearing in the form.


Actually, yes :D 

Pleas describe your process step by step and let's see if we can find out what's going on!


Well, I don't get an attachments button... but if I click 'reply', rather than use the quick reply form, then there's a note at the bottom of the form saying I can drag an attachment into the form body. I do this with my photo and it appears in the body of the post - but when I click the post button, the resulting post is missing the image.


Let's see...
You cannot view this attachment.

Nope, it works. You forgot to click the "Insert" arrow icon?

PS oops apologies for the huge image, leaving it for now to prove it works


You cannot view this attachment.

I see what's going on. It's possible to drag the image directly into the post content, and it looks like that's attaching the image to the post - but it gets stripped out on submit. It seems you have to drag the image to the little attachment bar underneath.


Yeah, the Quick Reply is not so easy... But: You can click "Preview" and will then have a normal editor with normal attachment functionality.


Quote from: StealthGary on 01:01, 18 October 23So, what can I do with this beauty?
As it stands, I'm leaning toward getting the USIFAC first. Any reasons to get anything else, specificlly for a 6128+, please let me know.
Many Plus/GX4000 only come in CPR format. If you want to play them you need either
  • Cartridges (e.g. self made)
  • a C4CPC (almost impossible to get)
  • or the M4 (although I never tried, afaik it can load CPR images)


Good to know, thanks!
Any other benefits to the M4 over the USiFAC?
I'd hoped to get my hands on a C4CPC... I mean... I waited 18 months to get the Amstrad... what's a few more? ;)


The built-in Wi-Fi on the M4 is very cool, you can log-in to it through a web browser and transfer files that way. You can also load CPC programs directly from the web.

It really is a fantastic device. I have an M4 and UsiFAC I & II - they're all great but the user experience of the M4 is very slick. The UsiFAC's main advantage is price and availability....
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Oh, that's great info... thanks... It looks like we have a winner!
Is it possible to spit code from a PC into the CPC over the wireless? Like, if I were to write some BASIC in VSCode, is there a process whereby I can just push that into the CPC's memory, or generate it as a file on the M4's storage? There's a similar process on the Spectrum Next which was really cool for development.

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