USIfAC II, technical problems & support [MERGED with Plus-related posts from original thread]

Started by ikonsgr, 17:23, 29 December 20

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Quote from: Brocky on 11:42, 21 November 23thats a nice offer thanks, id like to try GLs fix first tho, i mean the board itself is not very complicated, i dont think the problem lies there, but in the firmware itself, or the PIC itself has some weird things going on. if you want i can build the up the usifac on a breadboard to confirm its not a board issue, if you think that would help.

i have looked into the source code for rev6, made the changes GL reccommended, but i cant workout how to compile the code in MPlab X IDE, (seems im missing a bunch of project configuration settings and cant get the gcb file to be recognised), could you please make the changes to rev 7 with bootloader and upload for us to test.

I've just upload the gcb source code for rev7 for USIfAC II here. You can install GCB Basic and compile it directly. Btw, unfortunately the code snippet with the "bug" mentioned from GL is actually about direct connection with a PC and not usb host module, so it doesn't affect the usb functioning...


Quote from: ikonsgr on 12:15, 21 November 23I've just upload the gcb source code for rev7 for USIfAC II here. You can install GCB Basic and compile it directly. Btw, unfortunately the code snippet with the "bug" mentioned from GL is actually about direct connection with a PC and not usb host module, so it doesn't affect the usb functioning...

interesting indeed... that kept me busy for a while...
i had issues installing GCBASIC on my main system, it would block one of the drivers saying it was unsafe.. but got it working on another system and compiled it..

at first when i tried this newly compiled rev7 on the CPC i got nothing, like the usifac wasnt even connected (yup i screwed up!)
i try standard rev7, and again, nothing. argh have i killed the pic?! SMH

i go back to 6g firmware and it boots up with USIFAC rom line and seemed rock solid.. i couldnt get it to fail, but with the usb module removed from the usifac. i tried reattaching the usb module, it detected the module itself fine, looking good, plugged my 16gb usb stick in and power up, boom, detects the stick and reboots and locks up :(
so i tried my other 2 usb sticks, i tried 32Gb and 8Gb stick, both throw "Unexpected Error" where it usually detects the USB module. (all sticks where freshly formatted in FAT32 with 5 DSK files loaded on)
for giggles i even tried a 256mb SD card in a USB reader, but no USB detected! (i was hoping it would, but wasnt really expecting it to work!)

thats when it dawned on me! i needed to give rev7 the out command for rom number! (6g seems to automatically set it),  i go back and flash the newly compiled version, and it showed up after giving the command and rebooting! doh! that was some wasted hours!

the modded rev 7 is acting the same as rev 6g, usb stick attached locks up the system, it detects the 16Gb stick, then reboots itself and locks up. Other sticks still show unexpected error where usb module detection line is supposed to show.

so now i seem to be pointing at the USB module, or the USB sticks themselves. ive loaded up a few games from wifi and they all seem to work fine, usifac is all of a sudden working much better with usb module removed

ill grab a new USB module over the next week and see if i have any better luck with it (if only wifi could load multiple DSK files into the MG slots i wouldnt need the USB at all)... ill test some more over the coming days without the USB module to make sure its stable with wifi and serial connections

thanks Ikonsgr, youve lead me down a rabbit hole and it seems it maybe getting us somewhere!

@eto and the other guys with issues, any chance you could try removing the USB module and seeing if that cures the problems?


Quote from: ikonsgr on 12:06, 21 November 23For example the board that eto's 3 CPC464 have issues,was tested and worked fine with my CPC464!
I might be that one weird example, where everything goes wrong:

In the meantime I tested 6 Schneider CPC 464 and 3 different Usifacs with several firmware versions:
For 5 CPC464s none of the Usifac works, but for one CPC 464 works with all USIFACs.

The 5 CPC464s that don't work are all tall keycaps versions while the CPC464 that works is the version with small keycaps. I don't understand why I have such a high hitrate for non-working combinations as others don't have that problem with the same Schneider CPC 464 models.

And as I said, if there is any upcoming fix, I can give it a try. I don't have all the non-working machines any more but at least 3 different 464s are still here.  


Quote from: eto on 16:01, 21 November 23And as I said, if there is any upcoming fix, I can give it a try. I don't have all the non-working machines any more but at least 3 different 464s are still here. 
Well, sometime in the near future i will order a new batch of USIfAC II pcbs, with some optimizations, like using wider traces (especially for Gnd & 5v) and better routing, hopefully this might resolve technical issues with some of the " tall keycaps version" CPC464 boards.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 16:26, 21 November 23
Quote from: eto on 16:01, 21 November 23And as I said, if there is any upcoming fix, I can give it a try. I don't have all the non-working machines any more but at least 3 different 464s are still here. 
Well, sometime in the near future i will order a new batch of USIfAC II pcbs, with some optimizations, like using wider traces (especially for Gnd & 5v) and better routing, hopefully this might resolve technical issues with some of the " tall keycaps version" CPC464 boards.
hmm seems my board is also a tall keycaps version, as a test for that i could route some power wires on the back of the USIfAC to the PIC, and power the USB module separately from the rest of the system (with grounds from both power supplies connected)
i might try that tomorrow!
another lead, thanks!


Btw, @eto do you have any ULIfAC to try with your CPC464's?
I have a feeling that ULIfAC board has far less problems with CPC464, from the ~100 i sold so far, i don't recall anyone having such weird tech issues, and most of these boards go to CPC464 owners... ::)


Quote from: ikonsgr on 17:17, 21 November 23Btw, eto do you have any ULIfAC to try with your CPC464's?
No, I don't have a ULIFAC. 

Quote from: ikonsgr on 16:26, 21 November 23Well, sometime in the near future i will order a new batch of USIfAC II pcbs, with some optimizations, like using wider traces (especially for Gnd & 5v) and better routing,
I meant the fix that GL provided where GL mentioned, that this could fix the boot problems. I'm happy to test this with the 464s I own.


Quote from: eto on 20:50, 21 November 23
Quote from: ikonsgr on 17:17, 21 November 23Btw, eto do you have any ULIfAC to try with your CPC464's?
No, I don't have a ULIFAC.

Quote from: ikonsgr on 16:26, 21 November 23Well, sometime in the near future i will order a new batch of USIfAC II pcbs, with some optimizations, like using wider traces (especially for Gnd & 5v) and better routing,
I meant the fix that GL provided where GL mentioned, that this could fix the boot problems. I'm happy to test this with the 464s I own.
it does nothing for the boot issues, ive tested it, and as Ikonsgr said, that fix from GL only affects the direct connection to PC, i didnt see any difference with it.

not sure if you seen in my post earlier eto, but the usifac seemed to work quite well for 3 or 4hours testing ive done on my system with the usb module removed and wifi or serial connection to PC setup. (with firmware 6g and 7 with or without the fix)
if you could, could you try removing the module from your usifac and see if the problems still persists. it would be helpful if we could confirm the module is part of the issue. but i totally understand if you dont want to remove it.


Quote from: eto on 16:01, 21 November 23In the meantime I tested 6 Schneider CPC 464 and 3 different Usifacs with several firmware versions:
For 5 CPC464s none of the Usifac works, but for one CPC 464 works with all USIFACs.

The 5 CPC464s that don't work are all tall keycaps versions while the CPC464 that works is the version with small keycaps. I don't understand why I have such a high hitrate for non-working combinations as others don't have that problem with the same Schneider CPC 464 models.


Do you have a spare NEW Z80 as i had a situation when one of my cpc's was unhappy with the USIFAC modules and it turned out to be a " SOFT" Z80", the older Z80 worked ok with every thing else - X Mem - XMass etc.
Give it a try


Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


@ikonsgr is one of the most patient people I have been able to deal with in my long life.
I find it miraculous that he continues to respond patiently.
I think that on behalf of many users who have dealt with you or with @Duke, thank you very much for your selfless work in the development of wonderful gadgets like ULIfAC or M4.


new CH376S USB module arrived today, no longer getting "Unexpected Error" with some sticks, using them still causes lockup on 2nd boot after its detected the module and usb stick. one of the sticks causes the module to not even detect, CH376 not found..

i will try powering the USB module separately, and see if there is any change, before moving to look at the USB init section of the firmware..

EDIT: removed the USB stick.. rebooted, disabled automatic USB activation, rebooted, gave |USB command...    and now USB is working... OK..

so it seem something in the automatic usb activation is causing the lockup
woo, finally can play Batman demo, Pinball Dreams, and R-Type!



Sometime ago i had similar concerns and it ended up being that the Poor quality USB sticks were the problem
It appears that they were to SLOW and were creating an error and then the CPC Locked up

I was using 2 Gig and 4 Gig when this happened.
I now use 8 gig Branded USB sticks

Good luck

Keep Safe


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quote from: Audronic on 06:22, 28 November 23@Brocky

Sometime ago i had similar concerns and it ended up being that the Poor quality USB sticks were the problem
It appears that they were to SLOW and were creating an error and then the CPC Locked up

I was using 2 Gig and 4 Gig when this happened.
I now use 8 gig Branded USB sticks

Good luck

Keep Safe


yeah i had thought that could be the issue... but all 3 are working fine with manual USB activation...(that one is no longer causing the module to completely lockup on boot)
ive got a 32 and 8gb sandisk stick and a noname 16gb stick.. 
im pretty sure my original USB module was bad.. the new one isnt throwing "unexpected error" on some sticks..and i would get lockups and whatnot enabling USB before..



Weird request ?

Can you try Reformatting the Faulty Stick with "Fat 32"
and if you are using a MAC make sure that it is " Master BOOT Record "

Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quote from: Audronic on 06:55, 28 November 23@Brocky

Weird request ?

Can you try Reformatting the Faulty Stick with "Fat 32"
and if you are using a MAC make sure that it is " Master BOOT Record "

Keep Safe

all 3 where are formatted fat32 prior to testing original usb module.. all 3 work fine with manual usb activation.

USIFAC II seems to working fine with the new usb module. (apart from the auto usb activation)
i loaded up some DSK files fine and everything worked as expected when giving the |464 command..and disk swap works fine too..

@ikonsgr it looks like my issues are solved thanks.. i do have another small request tho...
your AmstradUtilityII program, could you please add an option to select which network adapter to bind the server to please, i need to disable a bunch of virtual network adapters i use for VMs, for the program to get the IP of my real network adapter. thanks 


I don't think i can do that from the program, this is done automatically from Windows OS. If you have such problem, most probable you should select the active network adapter from windows itself.


i dont know of any setting for that in windows, alot of apps can select the adapter or IP to bind to, as the PC has multiple IP addresses, real on 192.168.0.x, vmware on 192.168.56.x, and hyper-v on

the adapter selected is the adapter the utility program shows, i cant connect from the cpc to this IP.. i need to disable all but "ethernet 2" to get the correct IP...


Well, disabling the other adapters is one solution to this, i might be able to make the ip editable instead of getting it automatically, i'll see if i can do it


@Brocky Try this:
I've added a "add connection" button, and both IP and port are editable, so now you should be a able to use any network device you want by simply setting the respective ip/port for it.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 21:23, 28 November 23@Brocky Try this:
I've added a "add connection" button, and both IP and port are editable, so now you should be a able to use any network device you want by simply setting the respective ip/port for it.
excellent, thanks ikonsgr! i wasnt really expecting you to sort it out so quick! it looks like that option will do the trick...ill test it later this evening..


Quote from: Brocky on 02:14, 29 November 23excellent, thanks ikonsgr! i wasnt really expecting you to sort it out so quick! it looks like that option will do the trick...ill test it later this evening..
Well, thankfully it wasn't so difficult to add this ability, and i wouldn't want you to complain again for not getting "proper support for an item we paid good money for"...  ::)


Quote from: ikonsgr on 09:36, 29 November 23
Quote from: Brocky on 02:14, 29 November 23excellent, thanks ikonsgr! i wasnt really expecting you to sort it out so quick! it looks like that option will do the trick...ill test it later this evening..
Well, thankfully it wasn't so difficult to add this ability, and i wouldn't want you to complain again for not getting "proper support for an item we paid good money for"...  ::)
good one!.. i probably deserved that! :P


Ive finally got some time to test the new version of AmstradUtilityII.exe
the new binding method seems to work as intended
but unfortunately, i only receive garbage at the CPC

going back to the old version there is no garbage

also new version throws an "Access Violation" error on closing

could you please look into this Ikonsgr, when you have a chance, no need to rush!


Well, i've tested the new connection method with manually ip/port on my windows 10 pc and it seems it works ok.
As for the closing error, i don't know why it does that, maybe it's a "glitch" because of the "forced" ip


Hi everyone

I found the reason why Ulifac hangs with 464. It is not related to BUSY signal. The reason is very simple - Amsdos and Parados roms cannot be initialized without real FDC or FDC emulation, they hangs in the initialization code (seems like executing HALT in the loop somewhere).

In the Ulifac startup code there is CLC5 setup code for FDC emulation but it is turned off by default, if I change it to CLC5CON = 0x82 then all works great, (still testing it).

Also int the process of research found issue with ROMDIS signal, the RB3 direction is not set to out, so it is low all the time :picard:  Ulifac shouldn't work at all but hardly fighting with data bus it somehow loads ok ;D 

Did some fixes in the Ulifac hex file and now testing it

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