Hello all - New PCW User here - Options??

Started by dreamscape, 21:54, 25 May 14

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Hello all

I've been an on and off PCW users for many, many years (first used one at the age of 6). I bought one afew years ago to code BASIC on but found a better alternative. It has since been put away in a garage and was forgotten about... Until today where I spotted it and decided to give it a good clean and put it to some use.

Heres the machine:

So down to the reason for this post... I'm looking for an actual use for this machine. This may sound silly but I'm really not sure what the PCW is/was capable of sure it was a word processor with small library of games but... is there more that can be done on this little machine?

I'm very much into the older machines so I'm hoping i can put this to good use.

Any idea's or suggestions are welcomed.

p.s. if anyone can point me in the direction of where i can buy some games for this machine besides eBay that would be great!


You can try to code some demos I guess, do black&white (green) graphics, try to get an AY soundcard too...

Also run whatever CP/M program.

Do you code/program ?

I guess you may try to put a more modern disk solution, so the whole game library may be available for free.
Planning about an HxC floppy disk emulator ?
Or else put a 720k 3"1/2 disk drive.

Is this the 256k or 512k version ? you may upgrade this if it is the 256k version.

Perhaps you may also try to run SYMBOS on this, can't remember if there is a PCW version.


I'd give coding some demo's a try sounds like fun.

I don't code no but i'd love to give it a try I'm pretty technical when it comes to modern computers and i also design websites so it's something i could possibly get to grips with.

Yeah i would most definitely consider a floppy disk drive conversion so i could just code and load. What exactly do i need and when you say emulator, does this mean you don't use a psychical floppy drive?

It's a PCW8256 so I'm assuming this is the 256k model. How do you go about upgrading? Is there any point in doing so?  :laugh: [size=78%] [/size]


Normally the 512 and 256 versions shared the same motherboard, so yes, there is a point : if you can find the missing chips and solder them on the Motherboard, you have full high spec version of the same machine.

to be honnest, 256K for a Z80 based machine is far from enough.
But hey, it's for fun, like having a CPC464 upgraded into 128K+disk drive, sort of.

The main issue with those PCW is that as they were supposed to be text processor, they are not very well rounded on the home computer aspect.

Amstrad didn't put AY soundchip on those, nor different Video modes nor colours...
Even if still in monocolor, some extra modes in 4 gradients or 16 gradients wouldn't have hurt.

That's the main point : many aspect from PCW render CPC users jaleous, and the opposite is true.

CPC would have loved :
=freakhuge RAM
=some memory mappings.
=a beeper in addition to AY.

PCW would have loved :
=other video modes/colours (as on PCW16)
=AY soundchip
=more extension ports
=some "OS" on ROM

Still some games may manage well, think like those games on MACintosh 128k...
some good RPG could be delivered.

somewhat sad those who still do games on CPC don't port them to PCW.

Head over heels did well on the PCW.
And it would be awesome to have a demo competing at some party on PCW... ;)

with the fine use of ditherings, it is quite possible to have almost 4 gradiants on screen...

another good aspect with PCW is that you have 2 floppy slots... perfect to add a 3"1/2 or HxC.

But anyway I guess some other forum users would be more interesting than me talking about this machine, and may help you for some kustomizings.

TotO should adapt his MotherX4 for the PCW... would be huge to have a ROMboard or CTC-AY...


Quote from: MacDeath on 16:18, 26 May 14
Normally the 512 and 256 versions shared the same motherboard, so yes, there is a point : if you can find the missing chips and solder them on the Motherboard, you have full high spec version of the same machine.
On some boards the sockets are there ready for the chips to be put into.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Thanks for the feedback where can you purchase the chips? If I can see how much they are I will take the pcw apart and see if the socket is present or if it will require soldering either way is doable though and sounds fun

If ordered 2 games today munch-it bundle disk (PAC man and frogger copies etc) and some other game I forget its name tu something or other.

Should be fun


Welcome :)

You can run symbos or deskjoy (CP/M CONNECTIONS: DeskJoy, a simple desktop utility to run programs for the). Deskjoy can actually run CPM software which is cool.

Also, you could get one of the new AY sound/joystick cards that pulkomandy is making Push'n'Pop | Amstrad CPC Demoscene | AY8930 interface for Amstrad PCW


Wait, what? a GUI on a PCW!?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 

I love it! Thank you very very interesting post indeed! I did hear about the push n' pop.. what exactly is it? an expansion card for joys/mice etc?


Glad you liked the post :)

The AY card is an expansion card that gives you a connector for a joystick and also has an AY soundchip, the same one as in the CPC (well actually it has slightly more features), so you get proper sound instead of just the beeper. head over heels for example supports both.

If you like deskjoy, you should also look at symbos, a fully fledged operating system for CPC, PCW and the MSX. Programs written for symbos will run on any of the symbos platforms without modification, there aren't too many applications (pacman, minesweeper, file manager, notepad etc) but it is very impressive as it can handle multiple applications being open at the same time just fine. Ideally you want a mouse interface too or you have to use the keyboard to move the cursor around. http://www.symbos.de/shots.htm?2?1


doesn't the joystick+AY interface works for AMX mouse ?

Would be fun to have a nice multi-purpose extension board for those lovely computers... lots of them were used in offices but i guess many homes still have some in their garages...

Good stuff to get :
=ROMboard, Joystick/Mouse interface, extra AY soundchips... and network solution.
Just like CPC.

I guess some crossdev tactical multiplayer games running on both machines could be good. :D
Just less colourfull on PCW of course...


I have a pcw 9512+ and would love a mouse interface for it. Ps2 or usb
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: MacDeath on 16:45, 30 May 14
doesn't the joystick+AY interface works for AMX mouse ?

Would be fun to have a nice multi-purpose extension board for those lovely computers... lots of them were used in offices but i guess many homes still have some in their garages...

Good stuff to get :
=ROMboard, Joystick/Mouse interface, extra AY soundchips... and network solution.
Just like CPC.

I guess some crossdev tactical multiplayer games running on both machines could be good. :D
Just less colourfull on PCW of course...

I have an (AMX) mouse interface, it's a separate expansion card (completely different to CPC amx mouse) and is supported by symbos/deskjoy. I don't see why the (CPC) amx mouse wouldn't work with the AY/joystick expansion, but I dont know if either program supports it.

Is there a ROM board for the PCW?

I'd like a serial port, I think with that, the AY card, mouse expansion and a floppy emulator I'd be pretty well set up.

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