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General Category => NC100, NC200, PCW, PDA600 - the rest of the Family! => Topic started by: GeoffB17 on 18:30, 10 January 17

Title: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 18:30, 10 January 17
Need to start new thread about this - so as not to hijack FID thread.

Just tried message, system threw me out - not allowed to post!


Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 18:39, 10 January 17
Ah, this time, worked.

Have the same trouble on other forums.   If I take two long creating my message, I have trouble.   At least others 'save' the text, and allow me to retry.   This one didn't, so I'll have to start again.

I've got a 3.5" drive attached to my PCW as B:, but the ready signal is fudged.   It works, it's tolerable, but it WOULD be nice to have a proper ready line.   So it would be worthwhile using this interface if it gets around that.

The manual says nothing about the subject.   It does, however, say that an attached B: should operate totally normally, no hint of any problems regarding DISCKIT, for example.

The interface does have a power connector as well as the data.  I would assume that, even if I don't plan to use the power 'thru', I still need the power connected to power the circuit board. 

I'll happily use my 3.5" drive with an external adaptor, to protect my PCW power supply from the sort of nasties that some other users are having!

The software supplied, bu the way, relates to the various file copy utilities provided, for copying between CP/M formats (various not PCW), BBC and DOS.   Use for normal PCW B: does not need any software.

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: JonB on 21:27, 10 January 17
Hey Geoff

Ready signal? I've got a circuit for that. I'll post it tomorrow. Plus, there are some articles on how to modify several common drives so as to produce ready on the cpc wiki pages. Sorry, no links now, I'm on a tablet in the lounge. The good stuff's all on the desktop.

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 23:26, 10 January 17

Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I've seen all of that.   Stuff on or via the Dutch site, various things about amigas, etc, etc.   I had no wish to go tampering with a drive.   I just used a cable arrangement which workes quite fine, just need to press a switch at the appropriate place in anything like Disckit.

So my drive can still be used in a PC if need-be!   Or I could use it in this InterGem thing?

* I'll still hope I don't have the problems with the power supply.   My PCW was prob a VERY early batch, so it's pretty old.   But, been no problem, as far as I can remember.

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: JonB on 14:59, 12 January 17
From the other thread: Open her up and clear the dust from the power board, if it is thick. Be careful with the HT lead. Nasty voltages!

Also... this Loco PCW drive kit has a ready mod on the drive. You can see the jumper cable clearly (neat job it is, too). You can always undo it later if you need to use the drive on a PC. Or, buy another one and mod that (it's what I'm doing after losing head alignment on the PCW drive). 3.5" drives are still cheap.
Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 17:24, 12 January 17

I've been inside my PCW quite a few times, and there's never boon too much dust there.   Not enough to panic over, so I'll leave well along.   I believe there is a point at which the risk of damage trying to remove a bit of dust is worse than the danger of the dust left along.

Regarding the floppy, I was doing a LOT of digging about this some time back, when I was working towards adding my own 3.5" drive.   A whole pile of answers.   The big problem is that each make/model of drive may require a different 'fix', and some are a lot more drastic than others.   Yes, there are lots of drives about, but finding the right ones with the 'easier' 'fix' options is not so easy.   So I went with the option that did it all with the cable.   If using the Gemini interface improves on this, then OK, no problem.  Might also like to experiment with another 80T 5.25" drive (to format DSDD floppies to 720k).

Best of luck sorting your power supply.

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 17:29, 12 January 17
Note for Rob,

My interface card is NOT identical to the one in the photo on the wiki.   VERY similar, but.

The power connector on the inside of the front connector is different.

The photo shows three IC chips, one below and two side by side.   The pair are slightly wider than the single one.   On my card, the three chips are identical (or 'look' identical, the markings have been scraped off).   Of course, the chips may be the same, just using different 'packages'?

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: robcfg on 17:35, 12 January 17
Hi Geoff!

Thank for the heads up! Could you then take some pìctures of the interface too?
Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: 1024MAK on 02:21, 13 January 17
If I am writing anything than a short reply / post, I do so in a text editor or note book application. Then when done, I copy it to the browser. That way, if something goes wrong, I still have a copy of what I wrote  :D

Also if using a mobile device, I always "click" the blue arrow inside red square brackets icon to switch to plain text mode. Otherwise strange things happen...

Title: Re: InterGEM FD Interface
Post by: GeoffB17 on 14:59, 13 January 17

I think I understand.   problem is, I'm NOT a WinDoze person.  I'm still back in the days of DOS/command line things.   I sort of get by with W, but I'm not comfortable with it, and FAR from happy!

I'll have to experiment?

I assume I need to use, say, notepad, create my text, save it, then 'copy' to the buffer.

Then minimise notepad.

Then go into the forum, login etc, create my posting, then paste from buffer.   I don't think the message create process allows a direct import (which would be more my way of thinking).   I also assume that is I shut down notepad (rather than minimise) that will lose the buffer text?   That has seemed to happen if I've tried something similar before.

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