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General Category => Off topic => Topic started by: MacDeath on 17:57, 03 January 11

Title: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 17:57, 03 January 11
Personally I prefer beer...

Hope you guys are not flooded literally, CPC's is not that waterproof... :'(

Here a little Mode1 for you... ::)

This changes radically from the usual Greeck Anarcho-terrorists... :laugh:
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: fano on 18:07, 03 January 11
amagad , i hope we'll get a new version of Winape and our usual great tunes after that.

Don't be that snoobish , water is good if you keep good proportions for pastis or to make ice cubes but i agree , in some countries bier is less dangerous than water :laugh:
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 00:57, 04 January 11
Perhaps, if that flood plain is where I think it is in Queensland (nobody in the media bother to show maps as to where it is), then Lake Eyre may get quite a bit of water soon.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: cpc4eva on 05:07, 15 January 11
lake eyre ???

wrong state mate thats in South Australia

with all the rain Australia has had in recent times im sure lake eyre would have had a good fill

For those who are interested or not aware the floods in Queensland have been horrific so many lives ruined but then a day or so ago I saw mudslides in Brazil that made the Queensland floods look pretty ordinary.....

parts of Victoria have been flooded 3 times in last 6 months and i thought I heard South Australia and Tasmania are flooded too so global warming / global nightmare continues as I see europe and u.k and usa have had their fair share of crappy weather conditions tooo
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 05:45, 15 January 11
cpc4eva wrote:

lake eyre ???

wrong state mate thats in South Australia

Yes I know that, however to have a large Inland Sea (which sits at sea level) there has to catchment for it and for Lake Eyre it's catchment extends itself into parts of Queensland!  ;D   Specifically Western Queensland and you'll find Diamantina River, Eyre Creek, Lake Koolivoo, further north in Western Queensland below Mt. Isa and South of Selwyn Range is Channel Country. Of course if there were a flood out in them parts the Media wouldn't give too hoots about it!

Since the Floods have reached Brisbane the other floods (North of Brisbane) haven't even been reported, and little has been mentioned about the Victorian Floods - how ironic. I could have told people days ago that the Loddon River was under a considerable amount of stress just by checking out the ABC Radio website and Bureau of Meterology and now people are upset because they felt the reporters have failed to act.

with all the rain Australia has had in recent times im sure lake eyre would have had a good fill

Only if it's catchment has had a significant amount.

For those who are interested or not aware the floods in Queensland have been horrific so many lives ruined but then a day or so ago I saw mudslides in Brazil that made the Queensland floods look pretty ordinary.....

I don't know - being in a flood isn't exactly some place I would want to be in, media have described the sewage and then there's the debrie and cars and trucks being played around as if they were toys. Rudd 07 had to go to Hospital because he got an infection in his leg (or foot?) just by being in the water! And of course the media will probably throw in the (friendly) Sharks, Crocodiles, Snakes & Mozzies just for good measure. But I guess a Mudslide would be pretty freeky in any account.

parts of Victoria have been flooded 3 times in last 6 months and i thought I heard South Australia and Tasmania are flooded too so global warming / global nightmare continues as I see europe and u.k and usa have had their fair share of crappy weather conditions tooo

I'm not suprised either, some of those parts of Victoria which are flooded are natural plains featuring River Red Gums. They love to be flooded every so often even though the older plants can source deep enough to find ground water. A flood in those sorts of areas is basically what a bushfire maybe to another.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: cpc4eva on 13:14, 28 January 11
cp/m user u getting ready to pay for the flood tax ??
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 23:04, 28 January 11
cpc4eva wrote:

cp/m user u getting ready to pay for the flood tax ??

Ironically enough I'm exempt from it! People like me don't make enough money!  :-[
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Russkie on 14:41, 29 January 11
I'll just scrape in having to pay the flood tax if I keep having to do overtime, but it should be the minimum. If it gets implemented at all.

Just today, us in Perth, were getting bushfire   warnings, and a cyclone warning (the first in 2 decades). I'm hoping   they cancel each other out and we have a nice weekend.
  It seems like the whole world is falling apart.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Gryzor on 14:15, 31 January 11
...or you get a fire inferno.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 10:39, 04 February 11
Australia was built on an burning regime, though other countries (or continents) are as well. Europe is perhaps one of the few exceptions, unsure since European Blackberries enjoy a burn here, though that might only work in Australia!  :-\  Since their've become a noxious pain in the butt!  :o  Oh yeah, this is part of the work I do!  8)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: steve on 13:05, 04 February 11
Are you an arsonist?
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: cpc4eva on 18:52, 04 February 11
what a day - to quote my boss at work "thats not rain, thats f***** rain"

rian pelted down in melbourne city and metro areas and i hear it was even worse in country victoria

i just made it home the road home is only a short distance about 15minutes and it was scary

police were out redirecting traffic as i got closer to home i thought the worst was behind me but i was wrong my little car barely made it it the knee deep flooded roads

my whole street is flooded and the water has crept towards my house

what the hell is going on ?

floods in victoria last year and this year

floods in queensland and cyclone this year

have our seasons changed our winter is our summer and summer will be our winter ???

dont even know if i can get to work tonight its still raining outside and is expected to be heavy rain throughout the day....

Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: cpc4eva on 19:15, 04 February 11

PEOPLE were swept away, homes were flooded and roads turned to rivers as Victoria last night suffered an unprecedented deluge of cyclonic rain.Flash flooding hit big parts of the state, and some towns stood on the brink of evacuation during cloudbursts forecasters said were unique.
The monsoon brought chaos to Melbourne, causing widespread flooding and damage to homes.
A teenage girl was snatched to safety from a tree she was clinging to after being swept away by a torrent in Ashburton.

Families were rescued from floating cars and from homes, and 45 people were evacuated from a nursing home in Narre Warren South.
More than 100mm was dumped on suburbs - 137mm at Lyndhurst in the southeast and hundreds of homes were inundated, the fire brigade said.
Water 1.5m deep gushed through a home in Ormond.
Moorabbin and Narre Warren, in Melbourne's southeast, were the worst-affected, but the west also endured some of the biggest downpours in memory.
Hail stones the size of golf balls fell on Leopold near Geelong, and half a dozen factories were damaged in Strezlecki Grove, Laverton, when 132km/h winds swept through the suburb.

"A mini tornado hit the area for sure," factor owner Stephen Tennyson said.
"Floor-to-ceiling windows in my office are smashed, the flag pole is bent in four different angles and corrugated iron is strewn around the area".
About 30,000 households in central, western and northern Victoria were left without electricity due to lightning strikes.
The deluge was due to two cyclones: the angry tail of Queensland's killer Yasi, and the earlier Anthony.
In Richmond, Angelo Lambrinos's garage was flooded by a waist-deep torrent of stormwater.
"There was a nothing I could do," he said.
"The water was coming down the driveway like a river."
The SES had responded to more than 2030 calls for assistance, almost 1500 in Melbourne by midnight.
A dozen people were rescued from their cars, including a woman and her two children in Chelsea.
"Their car was actually floating in the floodwaters," SES spokesman Lachlan Quick said.
The deluge blocked roads including the South Eastern Freeway, shut down train and tram lines, and cut power across Melbourne.
Commuters were left stranded with at least eight Metro lines suspended and major delays at others.
Weather bureau forecaster Terry Ryan said the widespread impact of Yasi had been "unprecedented".
"Yasi has gone inland, and all the moisture is spreading southwards," he said.
"For a (cyclone) system to be so intense, so far inland, is unprecedented. We've never seen anything like it in Australia."
He said Cyclone Anthony had also contributed.
In Narre Warren South - where six houses burned down on Black Saturday - water was lapping at the front door of Steve Muir's home.
"The park at the end of the street is a five-acre lake," he said.
Mentone was virtually under water by 7.15pm com as water belted down .
Earlier, Mildura copped 112mm of rain in two hours. The SES there received over 100 calls for help. Halls Gap residents evacuated to Stawell in the face of flooding and landslips.
Extreme weather warnings were also issued last night for a number of towns in the state's northeast, including Benalla, Bright, Wangaratta and Myrtleford.
And it's set to worsen.
Falls of up to 200mm could swamp some alpine areas of the state today.
Melbourne and most of regional Victoria were warned to again prepare for flash flooding and another drenching of up to 100mm.
Parts of the northeast, still reeling from floods in recent weeks and in September, can expect up to 150mm. Rivers may again burst their banks.
The weather bureau issued flood watches on rivers across all areas except the southwest and southeastern corners of the state, and the SES urged all residents elsewhere people to prepare for the worst.
Up to 200mm was forecast for the eastern ranges near Mt Buller and Falls Creek.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 22:28, 04 February 11
OMG, the Aborigen's Shamans magick actually worked... !!!

More seriously this is terrible...
Good luck fellow australians...

Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 23:28, 04 February 11
Occasionally I have a License to Burn (not in the middle of summer obviously).

Gee Whiz is a little bit wetter here now - not underwater though. Our water management is handling it fine. The nearby water bowl may have some water in it.

The weather in Melbourne is contributed to the Cyclone which passed over Queensland, where in parts of the Cyclone have broken off as it travels Inland. To see all that happening one has to look at as seen from looking at Australia from space!  :)

This explains it better! (http://www.bom.gov.au/products/national_radar_sat.loop.shtml)  ;D
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Russkie on 09:20, 06 February 11
No rain for us this weekend, we have bushfire trouble. The fire department told us to stay indoors, and be prepared that we may have to evacuate. I can see the flames on a hillside not too far from my house in Kelmscott.

http://www.news.com.au/national/more-than-100-flee-perth-bushfire/story-e6frfkxi-1226000957393 (http://www.news.com.au/national/more-than-100-flee-perth-bushfire/story-e6frfkxi-1226000957393)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 09:43, 06 February 11
Ouch, you're in Perth then? How's the temperature holding out over there? I heard some folks have lost their homes too! :( Hope no lifes have been lost as a result.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Russkie on 16:29, 06 February 11
Yep, I'm in Perth. The fire isn't as close as it looks from my house,   when I look on a map. The police have the roads about 1km from my house   blocked. The water bombers are filling up at a lake about a 10 min walk   from my house, so we went an watched that for a while. Somehow it isn't as awesome watching my crappy phone camera video on youtube as it was in real life. It is 11:25pm and I can still here the helicopters and sirens.
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY7-cd5Tflw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY7-cd5Tflw)

Quite a few homes have been destroyed, and a lot more are still at risk, but no deaths or serious injuries so far. Well, one firefighter was hit by an ambulance, and was seriously hurt, but that is all. Rather ironic getting injured by an ambulance. It is very windy at the moment, not too hot though, mid 30's.

Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 17:59, 06 February 11
Do you have Trees or Herbs in direct contact with your House ?

Hope all will be right for you, good luck...

Sometime I do believe that the part of France where I live (Valence in Rhône alpes) is truely the piece of earth blessed by God...

Then I remember that I live in the most nuclearised place in the world (many Nuclear Power Plants... in south-Est France...

So I guess it is better we have no disasters...
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: cpc4eva on 20:34, 06 February 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 17:59, 06 February 11
Do you have Trees or Herbs in direct contact with your House ?

Hope all will be right for you, good luck...

Sometime I do believe that the part of France where I live (Valence in Rhône alpes) is truely the piece of earth blessed by God...

Then I remember that I live in the most nuclearised place in the world (many Nuclear Power Plants... in south-Est France...

So I guess it is better we have no disasters...

i think id go for a flood or fire anytime over a nuclear disaster.....
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 20:47, 06 February 11
The problem is not having disasters, it is being a disaster's victim..

But of course Nuclear is a special case... completely unnatural and cannot really be healed by time (human time)...
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Russkie on 03:46, 07 February 11
Hi MacDeath, so you live not too far from Lyon? My wife loves that area. She is in love with France in general, she is even taking French language classes. I should probably keep her away from French men  ;)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 14:41, 07 February 11
Yes, 100Km south of Lyon, i was even born in Lyon.
100km is nothing for a country like Australia... but in France we are a small country you know... it is far far away...lol.

QuoteShe is in love with France in general, she is even taking French   language classes. I should probably keep her away from French men
Don't be that insecure... ::)

Well, Australia is already away from France...

And yes, I live in the most beautifull part of the world... despite the lack of sea, coral-rift and so on...

Great food and wines... at the very hearth of Europe...
i visited some MiddleAge casttles this weekend. 8)
(betwen Lyon and Grenoble....)

>>She is in love with France...
>>I should probably keep her away from French men.

well, you can't have France without the Frenchmen... but just get closer to French girls yourself... :D

To love France always mean to get romantically involved with a french... ::)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Gryzor on 17:22, 07 February 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 14:41, 07 February 11
Great food and wines... at the very hearth of Europe...

Erm... Great food? :D Just because there's that thing called 'haute cuisine', enjoyed by the rich idiots of this world, doesn't mean I'm gonna eat that smelly cheese and the pate de fois-gras  and all the rest :p

Also, you probably got the definition of 'hearth' wrong... ;)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 18:10, 07 February 11
From a guy who only eat feta and olives or vine leafs (sounds like a goat food ?)... :-\

well sorry I prefer all the good dishes my Lyonnaise mother grew me with... :o

No wonder the greecks are rioting... with such a simple Shepherd cuisine...

Haute Cuisine =/= Cuisine Traditionnelle et Familiale Française...

(troll mod off... ;) )
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Gryzor on 19:05, 07 February 11
Oooh, lots of snails in your backyard in Lyon, eh frenchie? :D :D :D
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: redbox on 19:33, 07 February 11
I agree that the food and wine originating from and around MacDeath's part of the world is superb.

But I wouldn't eat it every day.  And you realise when walking around their supermarkets that neither do the French.  They eat cakes.  Lots of them.  And vegetables from huge tins.  :P
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Russkie on 20:12, 07 February 11
What do you think about german food? I like french and greek food. And spanish and italian too, but I've never had german. Except for some sausage. And beer.

You want to talk about bad food, come to one of my dads bbqs. Burnt sausages and steak so chewy the dog won't even eat it. And the dog eats snails, and frogs too (whole frogs, not just the legs), so she's not fussy.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: redbox on 16:49, 08 February 11
Quote from: Russkie on 20:12, 07 February 11
What do you think about german food? I like french and greek food. And spanish and italian too, but I've never had german. Except for some sausage. And beer.

German breakfast is nice - black bread with salami, cheese etc.  Past that, not much to write home about I've found.

Greek food is also very nice in my opinion, but I prefer the village salads (I think that's what Cypriots call it actually), bread, olive oil end of the spectrum rather than all the stifado and mousaka!
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 12:23, 09 February 11
How did this switched from flood to food ???

Snails ?
I don't eat snails but Escargots de bourgognes au beurre d'ail persillé...

Of course we don't eat every day with wine and foieGras and so on...
It is and Alcoholic thing to drink wine at every Meal (or even between) and I try to reduce my consumption on the ùmatter (and prefer beer for Day to day use...).

But we find decent frozen escargots which just need 15 minutes in the oven to be ready to eat...
I even have the special escargot forks to eat them.

We often buy some with my darling as it is fun to eat, delicious and perfect for long winter nights.

German Food ? what that this I don't even...

Is this some kind of science fiction ? or achimera like the mythical and unexistant English Food (even Lovecraft couldn't describe such and untold cosmic horror...)

Na I once went to München...
loved the grilled pork mit Gläze (don't know how it is spelt)... with sauce and a lot of WeiSSbier...

I love Landjäger Würste too... (we can find equivalents in France, they are called Gendarmes...)
Und Kraut... Alsacian food...

But Greek food... well, to us this is just snacks and salads to eat during Summertime... :D
To be fair, In france we don't even make any differance between Greek, Türk, Lebanese or Armenian food... ::)

And most Feta we find in France is actually made in France.

Also Pastis and Anisette are superior to Ouzo or Rakis...
And we have far decent Muscat wines... :D

Na I love all European food...  but British Food as there is no such thing.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: redbox on 13:03, 09 February 11
Quote from: MacDeath on 12:23, 09 February 11
And most Feta we find in France is actually made in France.

Yes and it tastes like it too  ;)

Quote from: MacDeath on 12:23, 09 February 11
Na I love all European food...  but British Food as there is no such thing.

You've obviously not visited for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.  For example, the quality of food on offer in London far exceeds that of Paris these days[nb]IMHO, of course[/nb], it's just that the Brits don't cook it at home which is why the perception persists - they are too busy and don't have 3 hours for lunch to get it ready.  ;)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Bryce on 15:04, 09 February 11
Not wanting to annoy either side of the argument (that's a complete lie)....

French Food:
Escargot - excellent,
Homemade Foie Gras - can't beat it
Small grilled Garden Birds that have less meat than a butchers apron - Nah, too much work for too little food.
Cheese that smells and tastes like it was stored in a tramps sock for the last year.... We'll skip that one too.
As the wife is french we eat a lot of this stuff at home, but as she's a "Ch'ti" her choice of cheese is questionable at the best of times.

Greek Food:
All good but lacking in things that got cooked, I like cooked things.
Prefer beer, but would never turn down a good Ouzo.

English food:
No matter what major city you visit in the world you'll find Fench restaurants, Indian restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Thai Restaurants, Italian restaurants, Greek restaurants and even the odd German restaurant, but not a single English restaurant, not even in England ! ... I wonder why that is.... ? Hmmmm....

Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: trocoloco on 16:59, 09 February 11
Quote from: redbox on 13:03, 09 February 11
You've obviously not visited for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.  For example, the quality of food on offer in London far exceeds that of Paris these days[nb]IMHO, of course[/nb], it's just that the Brits don't cook it at home which is why the perception persists - they are too busy and don't have 3 hours for lunch to get it ready.  ;)

I'm sorry toy say this but English food is not really great IMO, I lived in Oxford during 4 years and I know what I'm saying. You don't really need 3 hours to get nice wholesome food read. It's just cultural, most people can't be bothered to cook anything, just grab a ready made meal and straight to the microwave. And no! curry does not count, its not British.

btw, I mean no offense with this comment
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: MacDeath on 18:08, 09 February 11
Problem with english fooding :
=professionnal chefs stole all the French technics... Ramsay studied in France...
=the best english dish is indian Curry... no comments...

But the traditionnal recipes... urk... non existant...
Wellington beef ? Plum pudding ? what else...

the british homecooking... don't make me laugh...

Modern british chefs only stole the best from everywhere in their empire because their tradition had too few to offer, and got technic at French School.

On the other hand Epsaña or Italian food is quite comparable to french food to me...
I liked all I could eat in Madrid... but it looked a lot like What I eat at home.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: TFM on 18:13, 09 February 11
Hey guys... IMO the best food in the world comes from Bavaria:

- Bavarian Beer
- Schweinshaxen (pig leg)
- Semmelknödel
- Obazder
- Semmen and Brezn
- and much more  8)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Gryzor on 09:43, 11 February 11
I've lived in the UK and, honestly, never had any issues with food. Some strange cooking choices, sure, but it was ok. I also like German food - what's not to like about all this meat? :D And indeed they have nice bread.

What do you mean by "cooked" Greek food? I didn't realise my dinner was raw last night :D

But, to tell you the truth, I could really live on olives, some Greek olive oil, good bread and some cheese. I guess that's true for most - everyone has a 'light' favorite...
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 09:55, 11 February 11
I thought it was only Australia which had problems dishing up Cooking Shows by the Dozen, though I can tell much of this tripe has been coming from the United States!!  ???  And Europe (certainly the UK) are on the bandwagon.

Too much of it is a bad thing - it's got to the stage here radio are dishing up more tripe. Watch "Frenzy" and you'll see what I mean, some people simply accept the basic fundamentals without going Gourmet!  :)
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: TFM on 21:46, 11 February 11
Frenzy?!? .... yes, I do remember...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Walf9ZysE8Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Walf9ZysE8Q)

I a way it's simple, but genious. I really like it and did play it on the CBS emulator a lot in the last month.

Also I thought about a CPC version, but it's made to simple for CPC, even for the CBS (I mean ... look at the Colecovision Hero - best version ever made!).
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: AMSDOS on 22:27, 11 February 11
Oops, I was referring to Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy from 1972. Lots of food elements in that movie - unfortunately I cannot find any video clips. The detective in that film (which is sort of the central figure in the film, adding amusing moments to it) has a wife whose cooking all sorts weird gourmet cuisines which he can barely eat (instead eats basic things like Sausages at Scotland Yard). The Murderer works down in the Fruit markets and one of the Murdered ladies gets thrown into a bag of potatoes! But definitely a film worth looking at for anyone who wants to see a great piece of filming!  ;D

I wasn't familiar with Frenzy game from the Colecovision, though I recognize it as Berzerk from the Atari, perhaps a little bit different, though similar concept! Can't think of a CPC game which comes close, Smash TV is quite different again.
Title: Re: Australia under water...
Post by: Executioner on 09:45, 14 February 11
Personally, I really wouldn't want to live without good English food. It's origins may have been from elsewhere, but, honestly, give me roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, Steak Pudding and Mushy peas or a proper Full English breakfast any day over a few lettuce leaves and olives with a bit of Feta tossed in it, a Pizza with just cheese and a bit of Tomato paste for topping, a stick of bread with Camembert, or frogs and snails.
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