I would like to ask what you think is the best donation method that can be used to a website.
I have now in my web paypal and i also added ko-fi, which seem to be warmer, as the option <buy me a coffee> if you enjoyed something and if you can, looks better i believe in comparison with paypal.
Generally, I believe that most retro stuff that is created cannot produce profit of course, i prefare all games to be free in the electronic format, and i also understand that a physical release has to be paid, as the cost is much higher.
But a donate option, in case someone enjoys a game or anything that someone has produced, in his free time, is a nice option for all I think.
I think any donate option is fine for anyone who really wants to donate.
I've used donate options before myself, but generally speaking I don't think it's the way to go. Very few people actually donates.
If you want to make some pocket money for your retro games, I think your best bet would be to offer physical copies that people can buy.
Free downloadable version + paid physical version.
People who wish to support you will typically buy the physical version then.
I think you are right about the physical version option.
Of course my games are too small for that, maybe a solution could be a disk that has 10 small games. Maybe i can think it later on, if i make some more games. But i think the cost of producing is high, and even me, I think that giving,for example, 25 euros for my games does not worth it.
I am not so interested in making money from that, even if few. Thats why i am happy with the donation option, the gain is more the feeling that you get, as money are not much, and money is not the only way of feeling satisfied!
Yea, I think the ko-fi option is probably best for your case. "Buy me a coffee".