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I told someone to F-OFF at work!!!

Started by ukmarkh, 11:49, 15 September 10

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Xyphoe wrote:

I do know of a situation where a friend of mine was sacked from small company #1, applied at a rival small company #2 yet #2 still rang up #1 asking for a 'reference' and the boss of #1 told them he was a useless shite and didn't get the job. To be fair ... my mate *was* a useless shite  ;D but just taken on his CV I'm sure he would have got the job if a phone call wasn't made. I feel sorry for the dude several months later he's still unemployed as there's only a few companies in this industry around this area. So this shit really angers me sometimes.

Wouldn't be the first time that's happened. I've heard stories where people have left their job and have tried hard to get a job elsewhere without even knowing about their References spreading absolute rubbish about them. The job I'm doing now and my previous one were so impressed with my qualifications that I was given the job no questions asked!!  ???  My previous boss was good enough to offer a Written Reference which I reckon if someone offers it, then you should take it cause it can come in handy if you need it again in future.  :)
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Even in a big organisation, the 'record' and a 'written warning' will only ever go so far as to affect your employment within that organisation. If they're looking to get rid for example, then all those notes will help them make a case for dismissal. I'd be stunned if such a thing ever made it onto a reference, a company can get into far more trouble by supplying a 'bad' reference than by refusing to provide a reference at all.
It's sounds rather more like a case of someone senior insisting 'something must be done' and HR taking the safe route of doing 'something' whilst hoping that's enough to get everyone involved to leave it. I wouldn't worry about it, take a deep breath and just try to avoid loosing your rag with someone high up in future.


I think Andy nailed it...

The case about the guy going from small company #1 to #2 and getting a bad reference, while unfortunate, is totally different and irrelevant!


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:31, 21 September 10
I think Andy nailed it...

The case about the guy going from small company #1 to #2 and getting a bad reference, while unfortunate, is totally different and irrelevant!

It's not (irrelevant) though because it quite clearly happens, although tends to be unlikely. Yes companies can get in 'trouble' for a bad reference but they would have to be unfairly slagging somone off.

Anyway, I don't want this to go round in circles and worry Mark - I believe my point was seek your reference from a friendly co-worker above you and if possible like someone suggested get the reference in writing and there's nowt to worry about :)


has the whole world especially men gone tootie frootie and lost its balls???

we're men not women

guys at my work are always in my face or doing stupid things and i've told them to F OFF many a time.

recently a bloke employee was having a cry cause someone had told him to do a job properly I cant stand cry babies.... "F***EN toughen up get a thick skin and lift your game princess your here to work not sook and sulk....

key here is you could probably get away with it saying it to a bloke but saying it to a lady your probably going to be F***ED

like rafa benitez said recently We have a saying in Spanish, which is: 'White liquid in a bottle has to be milk"


Took me quite a while to get the right kind of work I was looking for, I personally hate it when I hear about Gen Y's being the fussiest people on the planet when it comes to what they expect to get after doing an Uni course or getting a Degree. Having all that stuff is one thing, though applying it out in a work field maybe another. I can see some advantage in having a piece of paper, though on it's own with nothing backing it up with regard to what's relevant to it, it doesn't look good for anyone.

In our workplace I made some of my own personal rules when dealing with others. This ain't company rules, this is my own rules I set out in my head (nothing written), unfortunately I may have broken a couple because you fall into some kind of trap which I didn't see coming, this is the hardest ones. Sometimes if someone is bossy you can see this coming by the tone of their voice, unfortunately me hard of hearing sometimes misses this until their into their bossy tone. I'm trying to counter act this by taking the advantage of a situation (particularly if it's a Lovely lady!  ;D ). I have all kinds of emotional tunes as well as being a mystery can be good, but too much is a bad thing, though sometimes people get carried away and devolge stuff you don't want to know. Whinging is Fatal, Language is unnecessarily cause that's Whinging too, some people will actually drop the language when dealing with you, others seem to have it in them though apply less when taking to someone who rarely swears. Apart from that just get along.

The only problem I can see from all that, is how you set other people's expectations around you. Naturally you have to be good from the start, and coming in and setting a tone in a person can really set the perspective on how others see you. Negative tones are so easily generated and can set so many people on the backfoot early as such that trying to change that perspective can be a battle!

Having said all that I've probably hung myself on these forums a few times!  :-[
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Quote from: cpc4eva on 19:53, 22 October 10
recently a bloke employee was having a cry cause someone had told him to do a job properly I cant stand cry babies.... "F***EN toughen up get a thick skin and lift your game princess your here to work not sook and sulk....

Do not judge, mate. You never know, for instance, if he's got a child with a horrible decease and he needs the job terribly so he's afraid he'll be losing it... Don't judge.


The effect of such act can depend on the kind of job/workplace...
also was it your superior, inferior or equal (jobwise )?

Well, in big companies with a lot of hierarchy, this can lead to some problems (or not really if you apologize well and explain...)

In small companies, you get a bit of grudge from you co-worker (the F****ed-off one)... the Boss may remind you that you gotta keep it calm and polite, or even scream a slight bit at you, and that's all.

I mean it's no more like in School where to swear to a teacher was the end of the world (sort off...)

A good managment knows the workplace can also be a stressing environment...
Depends if they are human or not that much.

But hey, we all can have good days and bad days...
This is not like you physically aggressed the sucker... Yet it may differ from one country to another to.

Good luck.


MacDeath wrote:

The effect of such act can depend on the kind of job/workplace...
also was it your superior, inferior or equal (jobwise )?

If it came from my superior I'd probably be concerned, though if it came from someone who was clearly senior to me (in age), drove a fancy car and has more success, then that would rub me up the wrong way - they could be inferior or equal, it wouldn't matter I would still dispise them. If it came from some punk teenager, it wouldn't worry me a bit!  ;D

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