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General Category => Programming => Topic started by: redbox on 16:00, 30 November 09

Title: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: redbox on 16:00, 30 November 09
Hello all,

I am trying to remember how to (in assembler) get data to the CPC screen by moving the stack pointer to the screen address (i.e. &C000 upwards for 16k screen), reading the data from a DEFB (see code example) and then PUSHing it to the screen.

The DEFBs I am using are the ones outputted by ConvImgCPC, for example in a Mode 1 screen you have:

; Mode 1
; 80x200
        DB      #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #F8
        DB      #F0, #F0, #F0, #F0, #E3, #00, #00, #00
        DB      #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00, #00

If I remember correctly, this technique is fast?
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: arnoldemu on 16:39, 30 November 09
the stack goes backwards. So you should point SP at &0000 to start.

You'll need to point to the end of your gfx.

then do something like this:

;; HL = last byte in data
;; note low byte, high byte and order it will be pushed onto the stack!

ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ld b,(hl)
dec hl
ld c,(hl)
dec hl
push de
push bc


remember to disable interrupts too because this will cause problems and the firmware will not be happy.
Also, remember to restore stack if your using firmware too.

If you don't really need the speed then why not just use LDIR?
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: redbox on 17:20, 30 November 09
Thanks for that - I forgot the stack goes backwards! When I did it before I think I was only pushing 1 byte so it didn't really matter.

I am trying to create an animation on the CPC.  For example, if I have two images, I am writing a small program which will detect the difference between the two and record it in a look-up table.  I'm hoping the differences will be not too much, but I still think I need a fast routine to get the data to the screen because I'm assuming there is a limit in how much you can shift in one frame.

I will try a simple routine and see how much I can do...!
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: redbox on 22:49, 30 November 09
Okay, my memory of z80 is much worse than I thought - I want to use a look-up table to get a screen location and plot a byte there.

This works:

ld hl,data
ld a,(hl)
ld de,&c000
ld (de),a

DB #00

But having the screen address in a table at the end doesn't work:

ld hl,data
ld a,(hl)
ld de,address
ld (de),a

DB #00

DW #c000

What am I doing wrong?!

Eventually, I want to be able to loop this, with a data table and a screen table to plot all the changes (excuse the pseudo-code I use before I program the real z80):

<count total of data entries>
<put total into register>

ld hl,data
ld a,(hl)
ld de,address
ld (de),a

<decrease total by 1 and loop again until 0 then exit - jr nz,loop or something>

DB #00, #CF, #32, #00 etc

DW #c000, #D040, #FF00, #E880 etc

Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: fano on 07:43, 01 December 09
Quote from: redbox on 22:49, 30 November 09

ld hl,data
ld a,(hl)
ld de,address
ld (de),a

DB #00

DW #c000

What am I doing wrong

This is logical, i you do : ld de,address , you will get adress in DE but if you do ld de,(address) you will get content of adress in DE

When using an address table you may do this :

ld IX,table
ld HL,data
... do you stuff ...
ld E,(IX+0)
ld D,(IX+1)
ld A,(HL)
ld (DE),A
inc HL
inc IX
inc IX
...do what you want and loop on .loop
   DB   #00, #CF, #32, #00 etc
   DW    #c000, #D040, #FF00, #E880 etc

But you may do something better using interleaved data and address , e.g :

ld HL,table
...other init stuff...


ld A,(HL)  ;get data
inc HL

ld E,(HL)  ;get scr address (in reverse order)
inc HL
ld D,(HL)
inc HL

ld (DE),A  ;write it

...do your loop to .loop
db #00:dw #C000
db #CF:dw #D040
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: redbox on 15:09, 01 December 09
Quote from: fano on 07:43, 01 December 09But you may do something better using interleaved data and address

Thanks fano - that's great!

Now I will have to start writing the loop code.  I am thinking something on the lines of:

ld hl,table
ld b,end_table-table


...plot code...

dec b
jp nz,loop

db #00:dw #C000
db #CF:dw #D040

Can't try it until I get home but hopefully something like this will work (I saw a similar technique in some source code to work out the size of a raster from a table).

The only problem I can see in the future is this is okay for one table, but because it's an animation I am going to have lots of tables and the loop will become more complex, e.g.:

<currenttable = table1>
<big loop>

ld hl,currenttable
ld b,end_currenttable-currenttable


...plot code...

dec b
jp nz,loop

<goto big loop and change currenttable to table2, table3 etc until they are all done>

db #00:dw #C000
db #CF:dw #D040

db #EE:dw #E800

db #60:dw #D000
db #00:dw #E040
dv #40:dw #F080

What do you think?
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: Axelay on 16:22, 01 December 09
Or perhaps if you want to use the stack, you could interleave it in pairs and pop the data like this:

; enter with b equal to the number of pairs in the table, and hl equal to the start of the table

; disable interupts and point stack to start of selected table
    ld (SaveSP),sp
    ld sp,hl
; read pair of addresses & bytes
    pop hl
    pop de
    ld (hl),e
    pop hl
    ld (hl),d
    djnz ProcTableLoop
; restore SP & interupts
    ld sp,(SaveSP)


    defw 0

    defw &c000: defb 255: defb 128: defw &c800
    defw &f000: defb 255: defb 128: defw &e800

If you had an odd number of bytes to write, you'd need to just repeat the last, or write a dummy.
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: fano on 19:02, 01 December 09
Great one Axelay  ;D

A cool trick if you are using Winape about stack saving/restoring is using automodified code :

ld (save_stack),SP
...do you stuff...
save_stack EQU $+1
ld SP,0
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: fano on 19:24, 01 December 09
Quote from: redbox on 15:09, 01 December 09The only problem I can see in the future is this is okay for one table, but because it's an animation I am going to have lots of tables and the loop will become more complex
This is not really a problem if you use a "table of tables" and organize your plotting code as a subroutine :


ld IX,main_table
ld B,table_count


ld L,(IX)
inc IX
ld H,(IX)
inc IX

call plot

djnz main_loop

;plot code
; in : HL table adress
; out : AF,DE,HL corrupted - BC,IX,IY unchanged

push BC
...do your stuff...
pop BC

dw table1,table2,table3,etc...


This is just an example , there a lot of way to do...
Title: Re: PUSHing data to the screen via stack
Post by: redbox on 11:08, 02 December 09
Wow, thanks guys - all very helpful.

Think I will write the 'traditional' version (using the table of tables) and then try the stack version to see how much quicker it is...!
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