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Thank you very much trocoloco!! I was able to get both emulators running, and I have been playing with ACE-DL, and indeed it all works fine! So, it must be that RVM somehow generates a corrupt .dsk file. Interesting! Let me see if I can make a bug report then :)

So, it seems all is working then! I can move on with the next stage of development haha, thank you very much again!
Games / Re: Nita versión Mode 0
Last post by Gryzor - Today at 11:14
A great job, it doesn't look like anything was lost!
Games / Nita versión Mode 0
Last post by XeNoMoRPH - Today at 10:24
New version from this game, but now with graphics in mode 0:
Sorry, I really should have used a picture and not just random words...

The white plastic lever circled in red is the auto-stop check arm. If you start the tape in normal play mode with no tape inserted, then gently press the lever towards the buttons, it should make the tape stop automatically. If this doesn't work, then something has been put back together wrong.


Programming / Re: Saving data to disc in ass...
Last post by trocoloco - Today at 09:21
Hi Santi. I've done a quick test on Winape and ACE-DL saves and reads fine the file created, switching off and on on varoius ocassions, I have created DSK file using ManageDSK, no problem here.
I recommend you @roudoudou' ACE-DLs and CNGSoft's CPCEC, great emulators, recent and multi-platform also  :)

Yeah, and whole screen editor with scroll listing by roll, and instead copy cursor highlight text to erase/copy/paste, and RSX for sprites/scroll/menus, and build in compiler. Oh yeah! Best Basic ever. :)
GFX + Tunes / Re: Amstrad music
Last post by XeNoMoRPH - Today at 08:32
Hi, I have been playing with saving data to disc using the BIOS routines, and I am struggling to understand what am I doing wrong:
- I have a program that seems to save the file to disc (and I can verify that with a similar program I can load it back). But...
- In some situations, even if I can save the file to disc and load it again, if I quit the emulator (I am using RVM 2.0) and open it again (or if I eject the disc in the emulator and insert it again), the disc is now unreadable. 
- This does not always happen, but I can easily trigger it happening (e.g., if I artificially insert 0s at the end of my program to make it bigger. The program saves my file in track 3 (instead of track 2, which is still empty), and this seems to mess the header up.
- I have been trying to figure out if it is me who is doing something wrong (most likely), or if it is RVM which is messing up generating the dsk file and loading it again.
- I am using RVM, as I am not on Windows, and that's an emulator that I can use and is recently updated. Any other emulator you'd recommend? (I come from the MSX world, and I am not 100% familiar with all the CPC emulators hehe).

In any case, here is a minimal example of what I am trying to do, in case it helps. Any pointer/idea is greatly appreciated!

cas_noisy:          equ #bc6b
cas_out_open:       equ #bc8c
cas_out_close:      equ #bc8f
cas_out_direct:     equ #bc98
kl_rom_walk:        equ #bccb

ams_dos_work_ram_ptr:   equ #be7d

    org #4000

    ; store the drive number the loader was run from
    ld hl, (ams_dos_work_ram_ptr)
    ld a, (hl)
    ld (drive + 1), a  ; self-modifying code
    call kl_rom_walk  ; enable all roms
    ld a, 0
    ld hl, (ams_dos_work_ram_ptr)
    ld (hl), a

    ld a, #ff
    call cas_noisy  ; disable error messages

    ; copy data to the place where we want it to be loaded again:
    ld hl, data
    ld de, #9f00
    ld bc, data_end - data

    ld b, filename_end - filename
    ld hl, filename
    ld ix, #9f00
    ld de, data_end - data
    call save_block

    jp loop

; input:
; - b: length of filename
; - hl: address of filename
; output:
; - carry: success
; - no carry: error
    push ix
    push de
        ld de, #c000  ; temporary buffer
        call cas_out_open
    pop de
    pop hl
    ret nc  ; error
    ld b, h
    ld c, l
    ld a, 2  ; binary data
    call cas_out_direct
    ret nc
    jp cas_out_close 

    db "data2.bin"

    db "writtendata", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
hi! I've been wondering how to feed continuous stationary into my PCW8512/8256 and although I've found mentions of a tractor feed attachment, I've not seen it for it. I have two PCW + printer sets now, and although they both came in boxes, neither came with a tractor feed.

Does anyone have photographs / information about it?


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