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Ha! That's a great idea😂
you can ask him if he wants to buy your copies for 500 each. if he really thinks it is worth 1000 he will accept as he can make a 100% profit :-) 
Quote from: andycadley on Today at 08:18t's possible they need to replicate all the disk structure to be guaranteed to work (or it might just have been the most convenient mechanism for faking disks)

While theoretically possible it is really unlikely that you will ever have an issue. 

The sectors of the DSK are copied sequentially to the CPR. If there is no data in a sector it is unlikely that it will ever be accessed at any time by the game. Especially with the cracked versions used in those CPRs which just load the game via firmware and not via their own routines. 

I shrunk several CPRs from 512K to 128K or 256K and - as long as they did only contain empty sectors beyond the 128K/256K barrier, they perfectly worked. 
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I think I have three copies, time for a new laptop!
Quote from: Solo Kazuki on Today at 06:35
Quote from: robcfg on Yesterday at 22:35I was taking a look at the Masarat Khatira .cpr file, and it contains large areas of 0xE5 bytes (which are probably because the file was created from a disk image), and 0xFF bytes, which would be the empty space.

Maybe we could trim those 0xFF bytes, but the question is, would these files still be recognizable and usable by emulators and hardware devices?
Why not? Good example is Hexavirus v0, where CPR have 49kB

If You made such trimmed image, I can check it with M4 board if this works.

I suspect Hexavirus was written specifically as a Plus cartridge, whereas the vast majority of CPRs are auto conversions from disk. It's possible they need to replicate all the disk structure to be guaranteed to work (or it might just have been the most convenient mechanism for faking disks). It's also possible the data is scattered across ROMs as a result of this and some emulators will fail to load a CPR if not all ROMs are in sequence (even though the CPR format allows it).

Quote from: robcfg on Yesterday at 22:35I was taking a look at the Masarat Khatira .cpr file, and it contains large areas of 0xE5 bytes (which are probably because the file was created from a disk image), and 0xFF bytes, which would be the empty space.

Maybe we could trim those 0xFF bytes, but the question is, would these files still be recognizable and usable by emulators and hardware devices?
Why not? Good example is Hexavirus v0, where CPR have 49kB

If You made such trimmed image, I can check it with M4 board if this works.
Games / Re: The Dark Knight [ wip ]
Last post by Jean-Marie - Today at 06:07
Chose the starting level (1 to 4) : POKE &478C,level
Games / Re: The Dark Knight [ wip ]
Last post by Jean-Marie - Today at 05:10
Great game : I've been playing it for hours! I needed a poke to complete it though :-[
Infinite energy : POKE &4A1D,0
The game returns the infamous Memory full error on 464. You'll have to edit line 630 in the basic loader, and delete MEMORY &7EFF.
Or use the following loader containing the magic poke :
6 name$="LOADER1"
7 name2$="LOADER2"
100 GOSUB 400
181 GOSUB 820
255 GOTO 600
400 MEMORY &7EFF:IF PEEK(&BB5B)=0 THEN p=45530   ELSE p=47061
445 LOAD name$+".pal",&7F00:GOSUB 820:LOAD name$+".scr",&C000
446 GOSUB 700
447 GOSUB 700
600 IF PEEK(&BB5B)=0 THEN p=45530   ELSE p=47061
640 LOAD name2$+".pal",&7F00:GOSUB 820:LOAD name2$+".scr",&C000
645 LOAD"loader.bin",&BE80:POKE &BEA3,&C9:CALL &BE80
650 LOCATE 6,19:PEN 2:PRINT"Cheat? y/n"
660 c$=UPPER$(INKEY$):IF c$="" THEN 660
670 IF c$="Y" THEN POKE &4A1D,0
680 CALL &400
700 FOR J=1 TO 2000:NEXT
820 MODE PEEK(&7F00):FOR a=0 TO 15:i=PEEK(&7F03+a*12):POKE p+a,i:POKE p+a+17,i:NEXT

Games / Re: The Dark Knight [ wip ]
Last post by Gryzor - Today at 04:47
Quote from: ldaneels on Today at 04:38Did you buy the physical release of the game? I can't find any link to purchase it.
I'm definitely interested in this one...
No, the digital one. Probably no physical yet.
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