
Additional Informations and Remix / Adaption-Infos

Started by RolandRadio, 09:48, 26 August 20

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Now titles can contain additinal informations like Some anekdotes and - if the title is a remiix or adaption - credits to the original composer

Check out https://rolandradio.net/titles/12979

You can report the titles as before and write the additional informations into the email. i will then add all the informations given.
You can also provide a Vimeo Video URL

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Your link gives an error page :).
But that's a great feature.

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Imperial Mahjong
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i was fine tuning the page. Should work fine now

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.

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