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Started by simon christo, 08:03, 25 May 24

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simon christo

Hi there, this is my first Post....
What is the relationship with GRAPHICS PEN, GRAPHICS PAPER & FILL
I've been pottering around with it, and all I've gathered, is that the outline is GRAPHICS PEN.
I'm perplexed, to know if I can Paint over an already Painted object - even if it's only part of it.
Thanks to all, Simon.


Look to manual

page 147 of pdf

10 MODE 0 
20 FOR n=1 TO 500 
30 PRINT "0"; 
40 NEXT 
50 pencolour=2+RND*13 
60 FILL pencolour 
70 GOTO 50

COMMAND: Fills an arbitrary area of the graphics screen. The edges of the area are bounded by lines drawn either in the current graphics pen ink or in the ink being used to fill (in the range 0 to 15). The fill starts from the current graphics cursor position, If this position lies on an edge, nothing will be filled. 
Associated keywords: GRAPHICS PEN

So you paint from not GRAPHICS PEN to GRAPHICS PEN edge.
CPC 6128, Whole 6128 and Only 6128, with .....
NewPAL v3 for use all 128kB RAM by CRTC as VRAM
One chip drver for 512kB extRAM 6128
TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.

simon christo

Thanks, for that information.Simon.

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