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4 bytes added, 22:34, 21 April 2008
/* Dizzy III: Fantasy World Dizzy */
He was well balanced - he had parrot on one shoulder and a chip on the other - and he had a wooden leg which he acquired when he fell out of his pram when he was a kid. Anyhow, their quaint little man o' war found itself in still waters one sun-soaked afternoon, and Dizzy thought he would organise a game of cricket on the aft deck. In a fit of blinding stupidity he used LJ's spare leg collection as makeshift stumps, and when they were lost overboard he was made to walk the plank! That was how he came to find himself gently poaching on the silent, sun-kissed beach of a seemingly deserted island... He had to somehow find a way back to the Yolkfolk and lodge his compensation claim with the travel agent...
== Dizzy III: [[Fantasy World Dizzy ]] ==
[[Image:fantasy world dizzy.jpg|thumb|(Actual Amstrad screenshot)]]