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LK Links

13 bytes added, 13:59, 8 April 2010
/* CPC6128:LK5,LK6,LK8 - Disable 128K RAM Banking */
== CPC6128:LK5,LK6,LK8 - Disable 128K RAM Banking ==
The CPC6128 contains 128K RAM, RAM banking is controlled by a PAL (which assists its [[Gate Array]]). However, the 6128 mainboard can be also used for 64K computers - in that case, only 64K would be installed, the PAL would be missing, and LK5,LK6,LK8 would be installed (bypassing the RAM banking logic, and passing /CAS,A14,A15 signals directly to unbanked RAM). The CPC+ has a similar feature (see R128 below).
== DDI-1:LK1 - Autoboot CP/M ==