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28 bytes added, 18:52, 14 February 2014
/* Z80 Assembly tutorial */
=== Z80 Assembly tutorial ===
So there's the Z80 general stuff that you can learn in any Z80 tutorial. A good tutorial I know of is the [ Independent Z80 Assembly Guide]. Available online at []. It "was written in a way that it can be used for ANY Z80 calculator or computer". You can use all of this code with a CPC or CPC emulator and it will work. No graphics, sound, file or input routines are included of course; all this is CPC specific, but once you've learnt some of the general z80 stuff, then you'll be able to access the CPC's specific features. I'd recommend using WinAPE's built-in assembler, assemble everything in CPC's memory and then check the results with WinAPE's debugger (or in BASIC with peeks and pokes and/or short BASIC programs). Just put a
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