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927 bytes added, 09:43, 26 October 2023
/* Events */
''Parts of this article have been copied from the [ english Wikipedia article].''
'''SymbOS''' is a free multitasking operating system for Z80 based 8-bit computer systems written by [[Prodatron|Prodatron]]. At present it is available for the computers of the Amstrad CPC as well as for all [[MSX]] models starting from the MSX2 standard and , all Amstrad [[PCW|PCW]] (Joyce) models until the PcW10and the [[Enterprise]] 64/128. Contrary to early 8-bit operating systems it is based on a microkernel, which provides pre-emptive and priority oriented multitasking and manages RAM memory with a size of up to 1024 kBfor the executed applications. SymbOS contains a an MS-Windows like GUI, supports hard discs with a capacity of up to 128 GB 2 TB and can already be booted on an unexpanded Amstrad CPC-6128, [[a PCW|PCW]] , an MSX2 or a 128K-MSX2an Enterprise 128 with floppy disc drive.
*''11/2012'': development continues
*''08/2014'': SymbOS release 2.1 is out
*''11/2014'': Development of the [[Enterprise|Enterprise]] version started *''03/2015'': Development of network support started *''08/2017'': SymbOS release 3.0 is out*''12/2021'': SymbOS release 3.1 is out
Even the Z80 8-bit CPU is able to run a pre-emptive multitasking environment. Missing mechanisms like memory protection, which are often called as a condition for multitasking, are system stability issues only. The MP/M operating system already proved, that multitasking on Z80 computers is possible.
While the MOS Technology 6502 can not move the stack, the Z80 can freely replace it to any position in the memory, which is more or less a condition for pre-emptive multitasking. The existance existence of an alternative register set accelerates the content context switching between the tasks dramatically. The restriction of Z80 systems to a 64 kB address space can be solved with bank switching. In this way computers like the Amstrad CPC and PCW, MSX, Enterprise or SAM Coupé are able to access hundred hundreds or thousand thousands of kilobytes of memory.
**Maximum possible screen resolution: 16.000 × 16.000 pixel
*'''File manager'''
**Maximum hard disc size: 128 GB 2 TB
**Maximum file size: 2 GB
**Maximum number of devices: 8
**MSX2 with 128KB Ram (unexpanded) and compatibles (MSX2+, MSX TurboR, OCM)
**Amstrad [[PCW|PCW]] (all models until PcW10)
**[[Enterprise]] 64/128
*'''Supported external hardware'''
**[[Dk'tronics|dk'tronics]] memory expansion 64K-512K and compatibles ([[Dobbertin|Dobbertin]], [[SYMBiFACE II|SYMBiFACE II]], X-MEM) **[[SYMBiFACE II|SYMBiFACE II]] (realtime clock; PS/2 mouse; IDE interface, Ram/Rom expansion) and compatibles (X-MASS) **M4Board (ESP8266-based Wifi, SD card reader, Rom expansion)**HxC direct SD card access (FAT32)**Albireo (USB mouse)**MultiPlay (Amiga mouse)**[[AMX Mouse|AMX]] and [[Kempston Mouse|Kempston mouse ]] (PCW)
**Sunrise IDE interface (MSX)
**MegaSD card interface for OCM, MegaflashRomSCC+SD (MSX)
**DenYoNet (MSX; W5100-based Ethernet)
**GR8NET (MSX; SD card reader, W5100-based Ethernet)
**SE-ONE (MSX; MP3, FM Radio)
**Rookie Drive (MSX)
== Kernel ==
SymbOS has been developed originally for the Amstrad CPC. Because of the modular structure with the strict separation of general and hardware components the porting to other Z80-based systems is quite easy.
The MSX computers starting with the MSX2 standard are supported since summer 2006. The Amstrad [[PCW|PCW]] port is available since August 2007. Versions Since end of 2014 the port for the [[Enterprise ]] 64/128 has been done as well. Versions for Amstrad NC100/150/200 and the SAM Coupé PCW16, Spectrum Next and others are possible, too, as they fulfill the requirements for SymbOS.
By keeping a basic condition for an operating system, the strict separation of hardware and application software by the supply of an intermediate layer, SymbOS applications run platform-independently on each computer and do not have to be adapted for a special system. Exceptions are applications, which access directly the hardware.
== Motivation ==
== Web links ==
*[ SymbOS homepage]*[ SymbOS installation configuration manual (PDF)]
*[ SymbOS mailing list (new)]
*[ english Wikipedia article]
*[ SymbOS presentation(Video) at RetroEuskal 2006]
[[Category:SymbOS| ]] [[Category:Operating_System]] [[Category:CPC_GUI]][[Category:Extended RAM Software]] [[Category:PCW]]