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31 bytes added, 17:18, 16 November 2015
/* Hot keys */
=== Hot keys ===
Hot keys can be pressed used every time while working in the Desktop. To activate or deactivate a device (drive, hard disc partition f.e.) press Space first, then the corresponding letter from A to M.
A (retag All previously used files), C (Copy discs), D (display Directory), E (Erase files or format discs), F (Filecopy), G (Go to function below mouse arrow), H (show IDE Hard-disc), I (get Information), L (Load file), M (enter Machine Monitor), N (reName file or disc), P (Print DIR or file), Q (Quit OS session or start new), S (Save file), U (Untag all files), V (View pictures of text), W (set Alarm time - Wecker), X (eXecute application), Y (edit date), Z (edit time).