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SYMBiFACE II:Rewriteable roms

488 bytes added, 10:34, 31 January 2016
The re-writeable ROMs are stored on a static RAM. The static RAM is powered by a CR2032 battery to remember it's contents when the symbiface 2 is powered down.
J2 on the Symbiface 2 controls visibility of roms 8-31 to the CPC. J2 when connected stops them being visible, when disconnected roms 8-31 are visible.
There are 8 switches which control visibility of roms 0-7 to the CPC.
When J2 is connected and all switches are off then no roms are visible. This now allows you to program the ROMs safely.
== Mechanisms ==
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|'''INP &FD17''' || show the current ROM (selected by #df00) between #4000 and #7fff. Now it can be read and rewrittenwritten. All roms on the Symbiface 2 can be accessed this way regardless of J2 or dipswitches state. You also do not need to enable the upper rom using port #7fxx and all roms can be read/written regardless of J2 state or rom enable/disable state.
|'''OUT &FD17''' || disable the previouse previously mentioned ROM write mode. Any value can be written.
|'''OUT &FD11''' || disable all SYMBiFACE II Roms. You won't see any additional ROMS anymoreThe roms will not be visible to the CPC, you will only the CPCssee CPC' s inbuilt onesor ROMs from other rom-boards.
|'''INP &FD11''' || enable the SYMBiFACE II roms. Symbiface 2 roms will be visible if enabled through J2 or switches.