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The CPC's longest-running fanzine and user group, WACCI was based in Britain and it catered mostly for serious users.

Its acronym has never been satisfactorily explained although the official WACCI explanation was that it stood for World Amstrad Computer Club International. Jeff Walker, who was the original founder, said he always thought the name would be good for a magazine and that he used it without any intention of it being an acronym at all. In Amstrad Addict's "The WACCI days of the CPC" article, published in 2023, the next editor Steve Williams said:

What about the name?

WACCI was meant to stand for the Worldwide Amstrad Computer Club International which, if you think about it, didn't really make much sense. Surely Worldwide means International so why is it in the name twice? Well, because Jeff once told me that the anachronism initially stood for Walker's Amstrad Computer Club International but he swore me to secrecy so we'll keep it just between you and me, eh? No one else will ever know!

As well as a (more or less) regular paper-based magazine, WACCI also provided a PD library (of mostly CP/M software) and it also had a 'homebrew' library.

Some of the CPC's best writers, such as Auntie John (John Kennedy), were contributors to early WACCIs and one of Amstrad Action's finest journalists, ChaRleyTroniC (Richard Fairhurst), was its final editor.

The decline in serious use of the CPC inevitably led to a petering out of the publication and the last issue - number 140 - was published in the Summer of 2003.

A spin-off disczine, EuroWACCI, existed for six issues.

WACCI editors


The first three issues are available in .DSK format. The final two issues are available in HTML format. Some others are available in PDF format, as set out below. A few of the cover scans are missing.

See also
