
CRTC Message Demo

509 bytes added, 15:25, 25 November 2007
[[Image:CRTCIMESS screen shot 1.jpg|thumb|300px|CRTC Robot PD Demo]] '''CRTC Message Demo CRTCMESS jul''' is a Ghostwriter-92 like demo by [[ChaRleyTroniC]], intended to promote a putative demo meeting in the UK in July 1992 British CRTC. (The code was the same used by ChaRleyTroniC for sending messages to various contacts.) The meeting was to have been held at [[The Mad Scientist]]'s house in Aldershot, UK. However, a lack of interest eventually meant that it was replaced with an STS meeting at [[Hangman]]'s house. Release date: spring 1992 [[Category:Demos]][[Category:Demos 1992]]