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23 bytes added, 13:51, 1 June 2011
All files of the original Multiplan version being used on the usual 170 kByte 135 kByte floppy (without operating system).
The maximum size of a single table can theoretically result in 16,065 fields from an array of up to 255 rows and 63 columns (see picture 1) and is about 1.2 MByte deposited without an operating system / just numbers either formula nor text). On a CPC with 128 kbyte memory it can be filled thus 10% or 1500 fields. Here, however, can only be a maximum of eight windows (contiguous sections of a table) be used. Multiple worksheets in a table can be combined to create a connection.  
In the same way like his successor, Windows-Excel, it can be entered directly in the fields with text, values ​​or formulas. The field itself can be selected via a row-column coordinate system. The formats of the columns can be changed in a very limited basis (due to text-only presentation). Cells can be assigned names. Areas can be protected against overwriting. The application provides menus for selecting functions or assistance (eg, sorting, iteration, mathematical, numerical, logical functions such as SIN, COS, LN, LOG, MAX, MIN, STDEV, AND, OR, IF / THEN, etc.).