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104 bytes added, 16:56, 8 July 2015
The program '''MegaFlashROManager''' for [[FutureOS|FutureOS]] and [[AMSDOS]]/[[BASIC]] (on disc or as [[ROM]]) allows the management of the 512 KB Flash-ROM (=Pseudo-ROM) of the [[MegaFlash|MegaFlash]] developed by [[User:Bryce|Bryce]] of [[FutureSoft|FutureSoft]]. It also supports the [[FlashGordon]] from [[PulkoMandy]] and the [[MegaFlash EX]] from [[Nilquader]]. Since version 12.8 is 07 it also supports TotO's X-MEM boards (Winbond or SST Flash)and the SYMBiFACE II.
You can load/save all 32 ROMs at once. And every single 16 KB Flash-ROM can be managed individually. This software was developed by [[TFM|TFM]] of [[FutureSoft|FutureSoft]]. Versions for both OS and 64 KB or 128 KB CPCs are available.
'''MegaFlashROManager 12.8 07 provides the following functions:'''
*Automatically detect which Flash expansion is connected (X-MEM, MegaFlash, FlashGordon, MF EX, MF Bübchen etc).
*Automatic SDP management: Not visible for the user, the SDP gets switched off for burning, but remains active at all other times.
*Enhanced error checking: You can see if the last Flash operation was successful or not.
*Support of expansion ROMs for the CP/M Plus operating system from Graduate software.
For loading and saving ROMs you can directly enter device and name, so you can access files even on exotic devices.
*Download it at Go to the Download section.
*Latest general Release date was March 5, 2013. The version number is 1.45.
*Latest Release date for FutureOS was September 23June 16, 20142015. Version number is 12.8707.