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265 bytes added, 16:20, 3 September 2017
/* Quality */
Unfortunately I am unable to compare this with Amstrad's modulator.
On a Sony Trinitron 14" CRT television the image is much better. There is much less ghosting and the image is brighter. Mode 2 is still hard to read, mode 1 is fine, mode 0 is fine. If I set mode 2, set the background to black and the text to grey bright white I see multicolours moving through the textbut it's readable. The television accepts shorter hsync lengths, but at 4, the image changes colour. Restoring the hsync length doesn't work and I need to power the computer on/off. For some inks the text appears thinner, for other inks it appears fatter. In terms of image quality with colours, green is best, then red then blue.
NOTE: The video master has adjustable variable resistors which may improve thisand using a correct composite cable is likely to improve it too. I will get some more technical helpand update this.
== Technical ==