Last modified on 9 August 2006, at 14:52


Revision as of 14:52, 9 August 2006 by Octoate (Talk | contribs) (Added category 'CPC scene members')


Octoate (Tim Riemann) bought his Schneider CPC in 1985 and joined the scene very late (ca. 1998). He is mostly working on hardware extensions and started the CPC-IDE project, which was the predecessor of the SYMBiFACE II, in autumn 2004 together with Dr.Zed (he developed the hardware) and Tolkin. Most of his soft- and hardware projects were only made for his own usage and never reached the public.

Hardware projects

  • 7-bit relais card
  • CPC-IDE Interface (financial support)
  • Flash-ROM-Box (only one prototype, used the Atmel AT90F040 flash rom)
  • Flash-ROM-Cartridge for the CPC Plus
  • GMX Mouse to CPC Joystick port adapter
  • 4-color scanner for a printer (similar to the Dart Scanner)
  • ROM-Box (small interface for only one ROM)


  • Disc Image Copy (DIC - transfered whole disks over the printer port to a PC)
  • Plotter driver for the relais card (controlled a self-made plotter)
