Last modified on 15 December 2006, at 10:54


Revision as of 10:54, 15 December 2006 by (Talk)

Magic Dos V1.0 is a set of routines coded by Longshot in 1986.

When MagicDos is installed, it sets Amsdos to manage a 80 track drive B (5"1/4 or 3"1/2) with 410 Kb by side (820 Kb by disk). It creates a dummy file (-MAGDOS-.410*) on the disk to save the extra directory space.

Magic Dos is composed of a menu with 3 options :

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Format a side in drive B in 410 Kb (e.g. 10 sectors x 512 bytes x 82 tracks)

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Copy a file from drive A to drive B (for a standard or Magdos disk in drive B)

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Install Magic Dos

It's possible to init the Magdos from a program directly on a Magdos disk. The program must contain the following sequence : LOAD "MAGDOS.INS":CALL &A000 The program which contains that sequence must be little and saved as the first file on the disk.

Download Magic Dos

This format is fully compatible with DSK emulator files.