Last modified on 14 October 2009, at 21:50

Category talk:Platform

Revision as of 21:50, 14 October 2009 by MacDeath (Talk | contribs) (Created page with '*Hard case... must this be a category or just a mundane page ? To be honest a mundane page would be enough, so we may put more kind of games style, just have to put the proper li…')

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  • Hard case... must this be a category or just a mundane page ?

To be honest a mundane page would be enough, so we may put more kind of games style, just have to put the proper link...

Tell me please your opinion on the matter.

Also, we have to determine if we put a lot of Games references or if we just keep on the basics of Gaming (I would prefer this). Many other sites are Game base only...

Of course such page may be usefull in order to display typical exemples of CPC stuff, also for Games programming or conception... And a panel of CPC possibilities on those matters.

When I put the Gamie programming stuffs on, it was with the goal to tell what is it to craft games on a CPC...

But yet having those as categories (platforms, shooters, and so on...) may be a bit to much for the wiki.

Here, a "platform page with some typical exemples, programming technics well used... anecdotic stuff and the games in this style that marked the CPC... and no more.

Of course GX4000 games are like an exception because too few of them. We can put them all and always serve them as exemples. Also "CPC-post-commercial-era" games, as they are related to the CPC scene.

i admit, I put a lot of Games links...shame on me. But let's say some typical exemples of the most awesome games, or shittiers, or special games too...

Arkanoid series for exemple, is the best "wall-breaker" style engine, also feature Programming tricks : Overscan/full screen... Yet not a lot of other Wall-breaker games (not accurate name ?) would get an entry here (cpcwiki)

Is the server big enough ?

MacDeath please no "Flames on!" on me...

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