

771 bytes added, 18:53, 8 May 2023
/* Other Operating Systems for the CPC */
[[Image:contikicpc.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Contiki running on the Amstrad CPC]]
Previously there have been attempts to port Contiki to the CPC. The most first successful port was done by [[Kevin Thacker]].
This was accomplished by:
1. # Modifying the linker so that it could generate binary files with relocation data 2. # Modifying the optimiser rules to reduce the program size. 3. # Modifying the source so it produced smaller and better code for the [[SDCC]] compiler to work with.
The nature of Contiki (written almost entirely in C) and the poor Z80 optimisation by the SDCC compiler makes Contiki slow compared to other operating systems.
Two reasons prevented this in the Amstrad port:
1. # The compiled binaries for the webserver and other network programs were large, meaning that at runtime, both the binaries and contiki OS code could not fit into the 64K ram at the same time 2. # The networking hardware was not at a sufficiently developed stage.
The original plan was to implement [[CPC Booster ]] support in Contiki.
The CPC would be connected to the PC via a serial cable.
On the PC would be Linux running Slip or PPP.
The Amstrad version is based on Contiki v1.0.
== Other Operating Systems for the CPC = Later updates ===
* [[CP/M]]In 2014, and later in 2023, PulkoMandy updated the port to use a newer version of SDCC. The code generation has improved a lot, and some issues with the drawing code were solved to make it a lot less slow, and almost usable.
* [[FutureOS]]To free more RAM, the kernel code was moved to an expansion ROM, leaving a lot more RAM for applications to be loaded. This should allow resuming the effort on porting the network applications. But there is still no driver for any CPC hardware to use with it for now.
* [[SymbOS]]This version is based on the latest version of Contiki 1.2, with several updates that never made it into an official release of Contiki. The version 1 of Contiki is no longer developped, and version 2 has no desktop and windowing system.
== Weblinks ==
* [ Official site of Contiki]
* [ New version 1.3 and 1.4]* [ Contiki source code for Kevin Thacker's CPC version]
[[Category:Operating SystemCPC GUI]][[Category:CPC GUIOperating System]]