

738 bytes removed, 12:49, 17 June 2015
/* VRAM to VGA (aZRaEL_vram2vgaAmstradMiaow) */
In fact the only difference between T80 of opencore and real Z80 is that T80 run on rising_edge, and Z80 run during low state. Test past with little modification of sequencer forcing it do nothing during low state of z80, resulting a downclock (memory is too overclocked with this sequencer modification), perhaps using buffer on address bus and data bus could solve this detail... but as it runs for me it is not a problem.
=== VRAM to VGA (aZRaEL_vram2vgaAmstradMiaow) ===
RAM and VGA does not use the same frequency. I add between them a magical VRAM having two clock entries and solving this problem automatically.
The magic RAM in FPGA, getting two clock entry, is not as magical as I thinked : it does solve clock equations using the clock manager (DCM) and BUFG components (saying phase is freedom between input and output). If you want a set of clock synchronized do not add a BUFG in one of its wires. If you don't care about synchronize of two clocks, just add it and then it will help to solve finer and greater the clock manager equations of DCM while compiling.
=== Alignment of HSYNC Interrupt ===