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150 bytes added, 15:53, 7 March 2020
* animation sequences, and macro-sequences. Any sprite can change automatically its animation sequence depending on its parameters Vy,Vx
* multi-directional scroll (based in command MAP2SP)
* allows in-game music based on WYZtracker tool (command MUSIC)and allows simultaneous MUSIC and SOUND commands
* layout ( which is a kind of "tile map"), with collision detection.
* only takes 8 KB, leaving 24 KB for BASIC programs. 8BP reserves 8KB for sprites and 1.4KB for music, but your BASIC program can have up to 24 KB length
* Eridu: the space port (inspired in the classic "scramble")
* Happy Monty: a tribute (or second part) of classic Mutant monty
* Blaster Pilot: a spaceships arcade with multidirectional scroll. style "Time pilot" or "asteroids"
[[Category:Programming]] [[Category:BASIC]] [[Category:Software]] [[Category:Programming software]]