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856 bytes added, 09:35, 19 October 2009
rephrasing and clear distinction between "PC" and "IBM PC"
IBM build the first PC in 1981. PC stands for '''"Personal Computer''', and quickly became a standard for computers intended for business oriented tasks". The IBM PC is considered to be term was coined in the ancestor of most modern desktop 70s for machines that are used directly by one person at a time. This was a huge paradigm shift over the big and laptop expensive mainframe computersthat were common at the time. In Early examples of Personal Computers include the early 80, PCs was rather expensive Apple II and therefor the Commodore PET.
Although Nowadays the name Amstrad CPC is an abrivation for Color '''Personal Computer''', term PC usually refers to IBM compatible PCs. IBM built the Amstrad CPC was not a original IBM PCin 1981 later followed by the IBM XT and the IBM AT. Unlike many Since IBM decided to open up the design other homecomputers manufacturers started to sell clones of the era the Amstrad CPC shared many components wich also was found in first original IBM PCand it's successors, so called "IBM compatibles". This allowed the IBM PC architecture to quickly become the industry standard for Personal Computers intended for business oriented taks. The IBM PC is the ancestor of most modern desktop and laptop computers. In the 80'searly 80s, PCs were rather expensive and not really suited for multimedia. They were not often used as home computers. This changed throughout the 90s when better graphics and sound cards appeared, PCs became cheaper and modern operating systems made them easier to use.
Although the name Amstrad CPC is an abrivation for Color '''Personal Computer''', the Amstrad CPC was not an IBM compatible PC. Unlike many other homecomputers of the era the Amstrad CPC shared many components wich also was found in first IBM PCs and compatibles of the 80's - CRTC (found om CGA cards)