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9 bytes removed, 23:11, 29 August 2015
/* Graphic User Interface */
== Graphic User Interface ==
The Graphic User Interface (GUI) of FutureOS presents the user with three sections: * the icon section (upper half of screen), * the file window (lower half of screen) * and the message base (the two bottom lines of the screen).
The GUI appears directly after starting FutureOS, but can also be used by applications. The user can browse through directories of discs and hard-disc partitions. The size of the text window is fixed to the provides space needed to display one directory page, this is 64 different file names at once (this equals one complete full directory of a dataData, system System or IBM formatted disc). Using the keys SHIFT and CONTROL you can browse page by page through the directories of devices. A graphical mouse pointer is used to select devices, functions or files; this pointer can be controlled with nearly all of the pointer based HID devices (joystick, mouse, trackball, light-pen, grafpad etc.) available for the CPC.
Applications can call the GUI of the OS; and the user returns to the application using the OK icon. The icons are fixed, therefore the layout remains stable throughout its use and on every CPC using FutureOS.