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CPC 6128 - SmartBoard Capatible VGA Interface Help Needed!

Started by Siorah, 06:54, 07 April 13

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hiya all, new here, but here goes!

I have just dug out my old 6128 from the loft to look at using it within the classroom for more 'hands on' Computing theories, mainly looking at back end 'functions' that are lost in modern pc's. (Using the PRINT #8 with the old DMP-2000 will be very useful).

However, the monitor has not got a hope in hells chance of being considered safe with it's age, and i am looking at one of those boards which changes CGA to VGA - i was wondering if anyone could let me know the output resolutions it *actually* outputs, as the one a friend of mine got for his Commodore fails to produce a VGA output - the smartboard claims an out of range frequency.

Secondly, I have a load of old tapes etc that if we need i can produce an archival recording/image of the disk if someone shows me how to, so I can catalogue my old dusty stuff if you would like it.

Also if anyone has copies of the 'fun school' series that they are willing to part with on tape or disc, along with any of the old GCSE/O Level revision discs that were made in 1986, it would be good for comparison and research for a dissertation, also any other educational software for the CPC I don't know about i'd love to be shown the light! I felt it would be a nice piece of personal history for the class, as it was my first ever pc bought for me as a child back then, and it has so much that can be used to teach with!

Well, a long old post for my first, but i've been following your site for some time now - let me know if i can add anything for your wiki if i have anything useful to you.

Sio :)



The monitor outputs analogue r,g,b with composite sync.
The horizontal frequency is 15Khz, so closer to PAL analogue television signal. The vertical frequency is close to 50Hz.

Normal resolutions (excludes demos that can program multiple VSYNCS per frame and shorter/longer vertical frequencies), are 640x200 in highest resolution, 320x200 in medium and 160x200 in lowest.

Bryce (a member on here) has made a hardware device to connect the cpc to a modern television, this may be your best choice? Alternatively there are devices which allow you to connect old computers to vga monitors but they may be a bit more costly.

You will need something that can show the highest resolution if possible. I don't know of the dot pitch.

In terms of archiving tapes, you can record them onto the pc and others can convert them into a form useable by emulators and which can be written back to tapes. You could send them to trustworthy forum members here too.

The fun school series should be available on CPC-POWER, sauvegarde du patrimoine de l'Amstrad CPC. Type in the search box on the right.
To get them onto a real cpc is a bit more problematic for the first time, but becomes easier each time it is done.
For tape it involves using playtzx to convert the cdt file into an audio signal that you can record on tape or play into the cpc6128 using one of the normal cpc6128 tape leads. For disks, you need to be able to write it to a 3.5" disc or a 3" disc (harder for 3" disc because it's not native to older pcs).
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Hello and welcome! An interesting project you got going there... :)

Considering your monitor, why would you say it's not safe? Unless there's a particular problem with it (like, engulfing you in smoke when you turn it on), I'd say they're still pretty safe... I (as most others here) have a colour monitor sitting next to me and still works like a charm, for hours on end...


Quote from: Siorah on 06:54, 07 April 13
However, the monitor has not got a hope in hells chance of being considered safe with it's age, and i am looking at one of those boards which changes CGA to VGA - i was wondering if anyone could let me know the output resolutions it *actually* outputs, as the one a friend of mine got for his Commodore fails to produce a VGA output - the smartboard claims an out of range frequency.

Octoate found that this CGA/VGA converter worked with the CPC.


Gryzor has a good point.

I have an Amstrad CM14 colour monitor.

When it's damp, it crackles and white flashes move over the screen until it warms up.
I have a dodgy cable that puts interference lines across it when I use it with an external power supply, these too sort themselves out after a few minutes.

It even smells of ozone sometimes.

And it keeps on working.  :laugh:
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Ozone smells good :D

I think that's the converter Octoate bought: Arcade game RGB/CGA/EGA/YUV to VGA HD video converter board 1 VGA output | eBay (quite a bit more expensive now, though, GBP48 including postage...).[nb]off topic: he's also got some nice coin slots for arcade cabs, like this: Multi Coin Acceptor Selector Mechanism for Euro coins €1.00 €2.00 €0.1 . Mmmmm![/nb]


I think it may be the fact that he wants to use it in a classroom that it would be considered unsafe, ie: wouldn't pass the tests required to be considered safe in todays environment.



yes, it is because of the classroom environment, the technician at the school said they cannot test the monitor because of it's age, and the likelihood it would fail the PAT safety tests, (mainly because he doesn't want to kill the monitor) so i need to do a low voltage solution - The 6128 herself has already passed the test and has her sticker available when i've got her ready and cleaned up.

I have a dusty CTM644  colour monitor i'll probably be getting rid of at somepoint so i'll offer it to you guys.

Another reason i asked about the school software is i can't actually use *images/downloads* of software in school, i need to use original copies, even with the machine being 'defunct' now i have to have original software for it due to the rules in school, it would still count as pirating in the eyes of the rules i need to follow to get this project off the ground.

Another question is, My parents stored my machine in a bad part of the loft, and it reeks of past tobacco smoke (they were smokers and the loft was a conversion) do you have any recommendations for cleaning her up, I'd appreciate it.

Also do you know anywhere i can get spare ribbons for the DMP-2000 printer? I believe she also is still working, so i can complete the wiki on the typefaces if you show me what you need so i can print them out.



Seriously? "Safety" tests? What, is it going to explode and take the school with it? I'd say modern equipment is more prone to that...

Also, I used to play with Van de Graaff generators in primary school.

Methinks, a case of too much worrying.


hiya gryzor, seriously, safety tests.

Everything electrical in my classroom has to have a safety sticker or be under 18 months old to be considered safe, it's a room of paranoia but i sadly have to follow it. Thanks for your post though!


Oh yes, I understand it's not *your* rules, I didn't mean that :)


I have ordered that CGA-VGA board, will have to look at a case solution for it, but definitely looks like we're onto something.

My friends commodore board looks nothing like the one Redbox linked, so when it arrives, we'll hook it up to my smartboard and lets hope!

mm i am a bit concerned about the retrobrite cleaning solution - i would like my machine to look that pristine, is there any advice for the complete noobie or is there someone i can throw some money to to clean up my 6128? :P

I will post pics in a moment when i get my camera. Do you want to see her MB also?

Ok her Motherboard is a PT NO Z70290, MC0020C from looking at the wiki, but my printer needs some love..

pics follow!


I wouldn't retrobright a dark coloured machine, I recently tried the process on an Atari ST and although it looked greyer than the yellow it used to be, it looks a little sun bleached. If the machines appearance is important, in other words you want it to look like its fighting fit, then I wouldn't retrobright it.

The process worked brilliantly on one of my 464 plus machines so in my experience it seems to be best suited to white plastic.

As for the cigarette smoke smell, I know someone who bought a C64 from a car boot that smelled like a room full of cigar smokers had used it as an ashtray. He disassembled it and put the case through the dishwasher, it came out gleaming and didn't stink anymore! I can't guarantee it would work but its one of those kookie solutions that may have a shot but also may carry the risk that something could go wrong, I'm thinking paint washing off the badges for example.
Proud owner of 464 GTM64 6128 GTM65, GX4128 and a 464/6128 Plus Hybrid a 20 year long ambition realised! :-)


I have been using one of those VGA adapters for over a year now...they are pretty good and can handle most things from the Amstrad.

For a bit more info...

Amstrad CPC 464 to VGA

I since purchased another one for "playing around" with.

For the wiring just follow this guide...

The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki


Thanks for the links!

I have one of these boards and octoate's wirings are what I needed to connect my CPC.  8)


You might have a problem getting the paranoid electricians to accept the CGA to VGA board as it doesn't have a housing. If they're not happy with that solution, I can supply you with an RGB to S-Video adapter, that you could fit inside the 6128. With that you can connect the CPC to any TV or Projector with an S-Video input: RGB SVideo - CPCWiki



thank you bryce for that offer, i may need it if they get too paranoid.

I will look at a possible casing solution for the CGA board, but yes, you're right, i would need to house it before it'd be cleared, (or hope running it at 5V will be enough to power it ok).

The links for wiring up the socket will be very useful indeed, as i feel the vga solution would be clearer on the smartboard, but i will check when i go to school tomorrow what the projector accepts.

It looks like the ribbon on my DMP2000 is toast, so i will be needing a new one of those, as well as i think she needs a good clean and some WD40 in places! if anyone knows any compatible ribbons i can use, let me know!

Thanks again for all your help


so, this happened today, got loads of new cables,

Thought i'd spend a moment to test the TV to see if it'll accept the scart connection - and it does!

This is a 43" toshiba 3D TV and my girl loading dizzy II :)


Fantastic, glad to hear it worked.

Even better you're going to use it in an educational setting.


I've got fun school 4, another fun school, and another educational package I can't remember the name of. I can make you a copy at some point, but I really would like to keep the originals as they have sentimental value (me and my siblings used these when we kids). They are also buried in storage, and I don't know if the disks actually still work... but I can dig them out next week probably and try. I'll have to set something up to copy them (I have a 3.5" drive hooked up normally, but I have a couple of spare 3" drives around and could try and hook one of those up externally so I can copy to 3" disks). Why don't you just get a 3.5" drive hookup and make some disks on a PC? Or even better get an HxC?

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