My latest video : Restoration of an Amstrad CPC 464 that was in a very bad way

Started by RetroGamerVX, 15:01, 21 November 11

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Hi all,

I've recently put up a video on my YouTube channel showing how I restored an Amstrad cpc464 that was in a bit of a rough way.  Hope it is of some use to you and you enjoy it  :)

Video : My latest video :




Very nice video Steve, and the CPC looked great when it was finished, but I wouldn't have considered that CPC to have been in "a very bad way", just neglected and dirty.



Looks nice in the end but to me it didn't look that bad to begin with maybe because my 464s are a little dusty and I was expecting something like the 464 I saw on ebay that was pretty much white with some sort of dust or something but looked terrible.


Good to see another Amstrad being cleaned up.
But agree with the others, was not that bad to start with considering it had been in a shed.
I reckon half my Amstrad collection was a lot worse than that when I got them, a couple really bad.
But they all cleaned up really well.

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