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1,540 bytes added, 14 May
Add the workspace documentation
The manual has a corrupted page when it talked about the workspace area.
A more detailed version of the workspace documentation is located [ here] {| class="wikitable"|-! Offset !! Size !! Use|-|0||1||RODOS rom number |-|1||1||CPM rom number (Rom number+&30 if found, or &3F if CPM ROM is not found) |-|3||1||Current drive letter, eg, A,B,C,D,E,F etc |-|4||1||Current drive number, See appendix A |-|8||1||Loading messages (|opt,1,x) |-|9||1||Disk read error retry count (|opt,5,x) |-|11||1||Expansion Ram count (in 16k blocks) |-|12||1||Start prbuff bank |-|17||1||Screen output redirection value (from |PRINT,n) |-|18||1||Current side of disc (0 or 1) |-|19||1||Previous Drive, eg |C:|dir,"A:" will make location 3 0 (for drive A), and location 19 will be 2 (for drive C) |-|22||1||Overwrite file: 0=ask 1=overwrite 2=create backup |-|23||2||Address of input buffer (file header) |-|25||2||Address of input buffer (sector block) |-|27||2||Address of output buffer (header) |-|29||2||Address of output buffer (sector block) |-|51||3||Original contents of KL_FIND_COMMAND location. (KL_FIND_COMMAND was patched by RODOS) |-|54||1||AMSDOS User Number (0-16) |-|65||1||Case sensitivity on file names (0=On, Case sensitive. 1=Off, Case insensitive) |-|66||1||Home drive number for |CD |-|67||1||Home drive letter for |CD |-|68||1||Home track for |CD |-|69||1||Home sector for |CD |-|70||2||HL Value from KM_TEST_KEY on boot |-|78||1||RODOS User Number (0-255) |-|79||1||RODOS User Number Reserved - Set to 255 |-|88||2||Extra external disk drives port number |-|90||3||Original contents of the TXT_OUTPUT (&BB5A) call |} 
== Pictures ==