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Inappropriate posts

Started by Gryzor, 11:59, 28 June 10

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Ok guys... I'm at a loss.

A while ago we had a discussion about the use of 'mature' language in the forum, and if you'll recall, I was all for it, arguing that we're mature people, certainly all of us adults, who can take replies with a pinch of salt.

It seems that some -very few, but active- of you misinterpreted that and instead thought that it's ok to start posting totally off-topic, totally IMmature and silly replies.

I've deleted so many posts and yet this thing has been going on unabated. Warnings have been issued to members and they have been ignored.

Really?? Can't we have a conversation without inserting sexual innuendos? Aren't we past puberty yet?

It saddens me that it has come to this. If this continues, prepare for temporary, and then permanent, bans.

Feel free to discuss.


IMO we all know how "we" post, and that many things are meant as jokes.
So I have no problems with some "rude" comments here...
But when I think for other users, I can understand that some are a bit pissed off of some postings.

Explicite content is good in instant messengers, emails or private messages.
Or, maybe, also in off-topic postings.

A visitor reads posts with explicite contents:
He will never visit this forum again...

(I remember I already posted a similar request again)

Please, dear Wiki-users,
overthink, what you post here and also remember:
The sun also shines if you write friendly.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:25, 28 June 10
The sun also shines if you write friendly.

I really liked that :)

But it's not entirely what I meant; what I meant was that it's ok, after all, to say "Fuck the SID! It sucks man!", but it's another thing to say "the SID chip os the child of Satan! It's worse that all the wars combined and a genocide it preferable to using it in my CPC. And btw, I have some nude pics of mine I could share with you but you need to check the price with my pimp first, lol, rofl, wtf etc, as long as you burn all the SID chips to ashes.".


Quote from: Gryzor on 12:31, 28 June 10
I really liked that :)

But it's not entirely what I meant; what I meant was that it's ok, after all, to say "Fuck the SID! It sucks man!", but it's another thing to say "the SID chip os the child of Satan! It's worse that all the wars combined and a genocide it preferable to using it in my CPC. And btw, I have some nude pics of mine I could share with you but you need to check the price with my pimp first, lol, rofl, wtf etc, as long as you burn all the SID chips to ashes.".

I dont want nude pictures from you, Gryzor, thanks for the offer.  :police:

Well, I understand you well.
I also find it boring sometimes that a serious thread is gone mad.
Thats why I sometimes dont react to those things ;)
But sometimes it's funny ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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I'm not taking the bait... :D


You don't need to start a poll about it, but I would like to agree Markus and state that I also definitely don't want to see  those nude pictures :)



Nude pictures from Gryzor?

If I may venture a guess:
Those dirty pictures from Gryzor must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

I may be wrong...


Quote from: Gryzor on 11:59, 28 June 10
Warnings have been issued to members and they have been ignored.

I want to be a better man.
Lord knows that I´m trying.


Judging from the result, you're probably going straight to hell...


Quote from: Gryzor on 16:04, 28 June 10
Judging from the result, you're probably going straight to hell...

Dear Gryzor,
may I remind you that Greece receives financial support from Germany?
You MAY NOT ban a german user!
It´s your choice:



Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice Germany is giving that money away! So foolish of me, I really thought they're lending once again, so that they make sure previous lenders get their money back...



Also, (Sorry, dass ich auf Deutsch schreibe)
Ich bin auch dafür, dass wenn dies hier nicht sofort aufhört, jemand fliegt.
Leonie, Du übertreibst es.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Leonie on 16:36, 28 June 10

Dear Gryzor,
may I remind you that Greece receives financial support from Germany?
You MAY NOT ban a german user!
It´s your choice:


I think every country in the European Union, also UK included, financially gives money to EU organisations and helps other countries.

I think if a user is out of order, then they should be banned, and it doesn't matter what country they come from.

If this was football, you would have received a red card and probably been told to leave the match.
If you are joking then I think this has gone too far, but really I am starting to think you are being more serious now.
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I totally agree here with Kev.
But it's sad to see that Leonie gets out of control here :(
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


In my opinion, it's not really an issue to debate.

It's merely about setting the rules, create more moderators, and have those moderators delete the inappropriate posts. No reason to make a fuss about it, just do it.


Quote from: Leonie on 16:36, 28 June 10

Dear Gryzor,
may I remind you that Greece receives financial support from Germany?
You MAY NOT ban a german user!
It´s your choice:

Dear people,
sorry to intervene in your conversation but some posts are making me crazy!!!! Totally crazy!!!
@Leonie: I understand that in Germany an anti-Greek wave is being born and that Germans do not like Greeks since we are 'stealing' your money! 
But please do not mess the Greek people in general with the Greek politicians! Our politicians have been stealing money from everywhere, while they were submitting and making public financial reports that were fake, not only to EU but also to us!! Therefore, the "may I remind you that Greece receives financial support from Germany?" is a totally irrelevant and harsh post!
For instance, I can not blame you for all the crimes and pain that Hitler caused to my grandparents and to grandparents of other users here, during the 1940s. That period, more than 300,000 Greek civilians died from starvation during Nazi occupation, while thousands more were killed in reprisals. Our economy was crippled, as foreign trade was suspended, agricultural output ground to a halt, and the treasury had to loan Germany money!!! In addition to the above, we had to rebuild everything from scratch while compensations from the German side were NEVER paid to the victims!!!
BUT!!!!! I do not blame you as a German citizen!!!!! I simply blame Hitler and the Nazis!
So, please next time be careful and try to be more open minded! Such attitudes made what occurred back then!
In the end, together (united i mean) we have power! Alone we are nothing!


Woooaaa guys, let's all come down a peg and don't let our CPC Wiki turn into an armchair politicians flame war!



Quote from: voXfReaX on 18:07, 28 June 10

Dear people,
sorry to intervene in your conversation but some posts are making me crazy!!!! Totally crazy!!!
@Leonie: I understand that in Germany an anti-Greek wave is being born and that Germans do not like Greeks since we are 'stealing' your money!
But please do not mess the Greek people in general with the Greek politicians! Our politicians have been stealing money from everywhere, while they were submitting and making public financial reports that were fake, not only to EU but also to us!! Therefore, the "may I remind you that Greece receives financial support from Germany?" is a totally irrelevant and harsh post!
For instance, I can not blame you for all the crimes and pain that Hitler caused to my grandparents and to grandparents of other users here, during the 1940s. That period, more than 300,000 Greek civilians died from starvation during Nazi occupation, while thousands more were killed in reprisals. Our economy was crippled, as foreign trade was suspended, agricultural output ground to a halt, and the treasury had to loan Germany money!!! In addition to the above, we had to rebuild everything from scratch while compensations from the German side were NEVER paid to the victims!!!
BUT!!!!! I do not blame you as a German citizen!!!!! I simply blame Hitler and the Nazis!
So, please next time be careful and try to be more open minded! Such attitudes made what occurred back then!
In the end, together (united i mean) we have power! Alone we are nothing!

That's going far to far now!!!

First, everybody has seen that Leonie just made a joke. She is a bit strong sometimes, maybe too strong for people with a thin skin. But we all know that she never had bad intensions. Ok, burning the SID is something different and a holy mission!

But that you come here along with that Nazi-Bullshit - that's relly the last thing in world!
TFM of FutureSoft
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Godwin's law WIN!


Ok, it's clear that Leonie was making a joke here, let's not take it too far...

@Mr_Lou: the thing is, up to now the forum has been very friendly, and it'd be nice to keep it that way. I've deleted several posts, and yet the same problems continue. So I only thought it prudent to advise publicly before banning anyone...

Now, if anyone wants to discuss about the Greek predicament and why it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Greek economy and everything to do with a global transfer of wealth to the rich ones at the expense of the social state, you'll find me in the Off-topic subforum. But please don't let us forget that Germany is not helping anyone out of their good hearts - they're doing it to ensure money keeps flowing into their coffers. And before one of our German regulars takes this at heart, let me note I have no grievance against the German people whatsoever despite the recent apparent hostility in the press...


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:21, 29 June 10
the thing is, up to now the forum has been very friendly, and it'd be nice to keep it that way. I've deleted several posts, and yet the same problems continue. So I only thought it prudent to advise publicly before banning anyone...

If it was possible to achieve a 100% friendly forum that easily, then the thousands of artists; songwriters and movie-makers through-out the time, should have achieved world-peace by now also.
Just can't be done.
My advice remains the same: Don't ban anyone unless they're insanely continuesly spamming insults to people. Just keep on deleting bad posts, and have more moderators do the same. Banning is an absolute last resort, if you're really tired of deleting posts from that person.


Quote from: Gryzor on 16:57, 28 June 10

That day, which you fear as being the end of all things, is the birthday of your eternity.


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 12:25, 28 June 10
The sun also shines if you write friendly.

Siehe, wie fein und lieblich ist´s, wenn Brüder und Schwestern einträchtig beieinander wohnen!

Sorry, english words fail me...


Quote from: Leonie on 20:35, 29 June 10

Siehe, wie fein und lieblich ist´s, wenn Brüder und Schwestern einträchtig beieinander wohnen!

Sorry, english words fail me...

As an englishman, I was brought up to believe that if you speak slowly and loudly :P enough, foreigners will understand what an englishman says :P , the reverse is not true however, I tried to read that german post slowly, at least twice, but I am just do not understand it.  :laugh:



Quote from: TFM/FS on 20:15, 28 June 10
That's going far to far now!!!
First, everybody has seen that Leonie just made a joke. She is a bit strong sometimes, maybe too strong for people with a thin skin. But we all know that she never had bad intensions. Ok, burning the SID is something different and a holy mission!
But that you come here along with that Nazi-Bullshit - that's relly the last thing in world!

First of all man, I do not know Leonie and to tell you the truth i do not care to even speak to her since she speaks with such disrespect for people! YOU might know that she never had bad intensions! NOT ME!!! 
And as for the Nazi bullshit (as you said), i have to say one thing: Next time read more carefully what my point is, than just saying whatever just because you want to say something!
@Gryzor/Devilmarkus/admins: If you think that i crossed the line, please ban me! I am not going to blame you! Others are to blame... 

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