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Inappropriate posts

Started by Gryzor, 11:59, 28 June 10

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Dead on Time and Star Sabre 128K arrived today. Looks excellent. Will try them soon! :)
BTW, I think this discussion should turn off topic  :P


I always knew that Leonie was trouble! I suppose I'll be banned next for saying so.
Gryzor! Be careful with the whole banning thing... absolute power corrupts and all that. It stinks of elitism.


And the award for the best thought-out post goes to... Ivarf!

Here you go mate, well-deserved:

voX, TMF, calm down people, you both only see one part of the situation... Calm down.

@ukmarkh: seeing Leonie's insistence and persistence, I can't help thinking there's more to her (or 'her'), as has been discussed before... but in the end it's just plain stupid and a nuisance. I don't like bans, and to tell you the truth I never thought it'd come to this. It's a temporary ban, but seeing how things went, I won't spill any tears if it becomes a permanent one...


You see!!!!  This is what happens after the revolution - the new tsars see the problems inbuilt within the system!  This never happened when I ruled with my iron fist! ;p

My own two cents - it's real simple, the mods make the rules and we follow them, if we don't like them then tough:  We follow the rules.  As long as there is a method of appeal and discussion about bans, warnings etc rather than an out of the blue kick-out then I really don't see the problem.

Also, for what it's worth I don't think that any debate on the Greek or European economic situation has any place on a retro computing forum, certainly not outwith a dedicated topic in the off-forum section....  Those three great undebatables - football, religion and politics...


I was never a fan of the "the mod/owner makes his own rules, we follow them". As I said many times on the Zone, a community is nothing without its member and as such, to a large degree, it *belongs* to its members who have a big saying in what is going on and how. So, IMO, the rules of a forum should reflect the broad consensus of the members, with a pinch of personal opinion thrown in that forms the 'drive' behind the effort.

In this case I think my reaction was maybe even slow in coming, and I believe I was well within the limits of common sense :)

And no: all those issues can be debated in the Off-topic section - will be glad to -, but normally not much elsewhere. But there *is* some tolerance, as with everything*

*"everything" does not include juvenile sex jokes attached to everything. The emphasis is on "some tolerance" :)


Even if some humans always try to f*** up the germans here - and even if they learn step by step how to do it more sophisticated - let's calm down all together!
Voxfreak and Gryzor, please stop that patriotistic thing. We are all CPC users, we have that thing in common and we should concentrate on the things we have in common.

BTW: You first need to have a lot of things in common, to be able to see the differences at all.

Happy thinking about this and happy CPCing for all of us :-)

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


QuoteVoxfreak and Gryzor, please stop that patriotistic thing

Eh? Have you even read what I wrote? I give up.


Quote from: TFM/FS on 06:18, 01 July 10
Even if some humans always try to f*** up the germans here - and even if they learn step by step how to do it more sophisticated - let's calm down all together!

Eh? Who's trying to F*** UP the Germans... that makes no sense at all?

I agree we all have the CPC in common, but that's also the case for many things. A good open and honest debate, with a bit of childish banter thrown in never hurt anyone. It's becoming a bit too grown up for me this forum, getting a bit too adult for my liking.

I don't believe anyone should be banned, but I'm not the boss at the end of the day, Gryzor is and we have to accept that.


If you all don't start behaving real soon, I'll spank you all with a huge Microsoft keyboard, so that you'll walk around with a big Microsoft logo on your butt for a month!

And THEN, I'll spreads rumors on all forums on the Internet, about how much you love Microsoft, and that you cried when Bill Gates left.

There... that ought to do it.


Microsoft is the hand that feeds me, so its a love hate thing I have to endure. By the way! Stop talking about spanking bottoms, wrong on a whole new level.


Quote from: ukmarkh on 12:36, 01 July 10

Eh? Who's trying to F*** UP the Germans... that makes no sense at all?

Exactly my thought. This is surreal :D

Oh, also: I'm not the boss. I'd like to think of myself as the glue that holds it together, or God or something, dunno...




Quote from: Gryzor on 15:58, 01 July 10
Exactly my thought. This is surreal :D

Oh, also: I'm not the boss. I'd like to think of myself as the glue that holds it together, or God or something, dunno...

If you want to be the glue here, great, then follow that path. Would be great. But at the moment ...
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I blame the flags on the user profiles...

Who cares where you come from?  I live on planet CPC  :)


Quote from: redbox on 00:41, 02 July 10
...  I live on planet CPC  :)

Yes right! Recently, by accident, I discovered a whole multiverse (equals roughly a sort of compartimented universe) in my CPC. Think I will go there and feel well there for ever.

Good buy mean outworld, welcome in IconJohns world  8)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus



Yeah I know!
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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The problem is that this forum is a way to discuss with Fellow europeans...
so yeah, the international aspect bring back some unrelated stuff...

Football, WorldWars and history...

We liked to kill each other in the past...
And I'm fond of history, yet I bear no grudge at all as I am a convinced Pro-European.

Needless to say, German could bear more grudge against or against octopuss/squids... ;D

Netherland vs Spain ? lol, reminds when the "Orange" Netherland went free from Spanish dominion...
Also we have to remember that South Africa was first a Netherland colony... (until the Britains came to screw them a bit...) the Boers must support them...

And, well, two notorious MSX countries "soccering" each other... :D

I don't think the flag icon thing is that important in such off topic debates..
Is it ?

I though it was fun to have those, but of course this can drive some peoples furher... er... further...

So yeah, we can joke on nationnalities, as good europeans this is normal, but please don't get this too far.
And don't take it too seriously too.

QuoteWho cares where you come from?  I live on planet CPC
AZERTY or QWERTY or Ñ one ? :-\


Quote from: Leonie on 20:35, 29 June 10
Siehe, wie fein und lieblich ist´s, wenn Brüder und Schwestern einträchtig beieinander wohnen!

Quote from: steve on 20:47, 29 June 10
As an englishman, I was brought up to believe that if you speak slowly and loudly :P enough, foreigners will understand what an englishman says :P , the reverse is not true however, I tried to read that german post slowly, at least twice, but I am just do not understand it.  :laugh:

This is not the normal german language!
This is a quote from "The Bible", Psalm 133.
"The Bible" is a very old book that deals with God, Jesus Christ, Me and so forth.


Quote from: Leonie on 22:19, 09 July 10
This is not the normal german language!
This is a quote from "The Bible", Psalm 133.
"The Bible" is a very old book that deals with God, Jesus Christ, Me and so forth.

What's your pseudo in that old book?  :angel:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


This thread kind of reminded me of the movie The Great Escape. Steve McQueen always going to that Cooler!  ;D  Be kind of nice if you could just send who are bad to the Cooler so they can post all they want in it and restrict them from the rest of the forum for a certain time. The Cooler of course would be Out-Of-Bounds to the rest of us! (with good reason).  ;D
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Hey, this is actually a neat idea... wow.


Quote from: CP/M User on 01:30, 16 August 10
This thread kind of reminded me of the movie The Great Escape. Steve McQueen always going to that Cooler!  ;D  Be kind of nice if you could just send who are bad to the Cooler so they can post all they want in it and restrict them from the rest of the forum for a certain time. The Cooler of course would be Out-Of-Bounds to the rest of us! (with good reason).  ;D

Damn good movie, damn good actor  8)  ... I'll like to go in that cooler, we still have 34 Celsius in NOLA ;-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


TFM/FS wrote:

Damn good movie, damn good actor  8)  ... I'll like to go in that cooler, we still have 34 Celsius in NOLA ;-)

There's also a Computer Game of it too - not sure if it's any good, probably has a cooler in it!  ;D
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Played the CPC version, this wonderful hardware need no cooler :-)))
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Coming back to the original title of this thread... inappropriate posts:

Here is one, look at the last posting on the page:,1332.0.html

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Well, sure, but this is off-topic here, really, and you could just send a report to the mods :)

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